01-23-2012, 06:41 PM
No fair, I think I only got a partial upgrade... I can see better on an overcast day than a sunny day(I squint like crazy or MUST wear sunglasses). And in some low light conditions I seem to be able to see better than most; this being the case this entire incarnation. But I dont think its anywhere near as functional as this kid, and I'm fairly sure my eyes don't reflect.
I wonder if I send them in to the manufacturer they would upgrade their firmware or whatever and send it back...
Maybe the film industry should cast him as a remake of Pitch Black or the Riddick movies(when the kid gets old enough), except they wouldn't need to computer edit his eyes to make them look reflective.
I wonder if I send them in to the manufacturer they would upgrade their firmware or whatever and send it back...
Maybe the film industry should cast him as a remake of Pitch Black or the Riddick movies(when the kid gets old enough), except they wouldn't need to computer edit his eyes to make them look reflective.