(01-22-2012, 10:48 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Does the copyright holder give permission for this? These books cost $43 on Amazon.com.
Hello, sunshine.
I can't be certain 100%, but it does appear so based on what I did find before posting it. The copies on Amazon are all used, out of print copies (thus the inflated price tag). The author's website no longer exists, but there are forum posts and cached google pages all over the place stating that the e-book is free in multiple languages. I seem to recall another organization who gives away PDF copies of their books for free and yet charges for the physical copy. L/L Research, I believe. It seems that the issue is lack of popularity and distribution rather than copyright.
To be honest, I didn't really know why Pickle was looking for it or what it is all about. I just sensed a need that I thought I might be able to help with, and went looking. Turns out he just wanted to share it with others. I had hoped for the benefit of the doubt in the integrity department from Bring4th, though.
Since I do not have 100% certainty, I'll leave up the links for a bit to give time for any that need to stumble across it, and then I will delete them.
Love to all