11-19-2009, 06:28 PM
May I add or change the conversation a little bit ?
David W. is a controversial subject indeed. I have been reading a bit of his work also and I must admit I learned about the channelings with Ra on his website. But this is not what I want to talk about.
I have wrote to him a couple of times and gave him some information about the ship known of the Philadelphia Project. I do felt that he doesn't like you to tell an other opinion than his.
I want to talk about a whole other ball game. It can be discovered with persons such as both Clintons, Bushes, Alex Jones, David Icke, members of the britisch royal family and others such as David Wilcock. Can you guess allready ? Reptile eyes. I began lately to look around me and to look for the same fenomenon to occur with common people. Just to see if this is a general thing but I have no results yet.
During an interview that D.W. had with projectcamelot.org it is noticible that he is showing those infamous reptile eyes. Does this means that he is a disinfoagent ? Problably not. If the majority of the people is an ascendant of one of the earlier result of DNA-engeneering by the hand of the Annunaki, than it would be acceptable that people who are in the spotlights are more known to have those eyes because we are so focused on them. An other fact is troubling me thought, this is the masonic sign of the piramid. Just like an american rapper does this all the time appearently : http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/listen...3/jayz.jpg
When you look at one of the first pictures of David W. you can notice him doing the same sign : http://whatisthepyramid.com/wp-content/u...ilcock.JPG
As you know many disinfoagents are working from within and that's why they managed to destroy the UFO-community in the 70's. Just one example : Billy Meier. Before you are going to jump up be sure that your thought is indeed yours and not implanted from the many negative criticism towards Meier.
Could it be that D.W. is only distracting us from something else ? Just like me he is an intuitive person and even if he is still us bringing wanderfull things on a plate, he seem to avoid something and I can't put my finger on it !
Nothing to do with this but he never replied to my several emails where I said I subtitled his 2012 Enigma with dutch language. I never had a response, neither had I a response from the projectcamelot website for the subtitling of Boriska.
David W. is a controversial subject indeed. I have been reading a bit of his work also and I must admit I learned about the channelings with Ra on his website. But this is not what I want to talk about.
I have wrote to him a couple of times and gave him some information about the ship known of the Philadelphia Project. I do felt that he doesn't like you to tell an other opinion than his.
I want to talk about a whole other ball game. It can be discovered with persons such as both Clintons, Bushes, Alex Jones, David Icke, members of the britisch royal family and others such as David Wilcock. Can you guess allready ? Reptile eyes. I began lately to look around me and to look for the same fenomenon to occur with common people. Just to see if this is a general thing but I have no results yet.
During an interview that D.W. had with projectcamelot.org it is noticible that he is showing those infamous reptile eyes. Does this means that he is a disinfoagent ? Problably not. If the majority of the people is an ascendant of one of the earlier result of DNA-engeneering by the hand of the Annunaki, than it would be acceptable that people who are in the spotlights are more known to have those eyes because we are so focused on them. An other fact is troubling me thought, this is the masonic sign of the piramid. Just like an american rapper does this all the time appearently : http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/listen...3/jayz.jpg
When you look at one of the first pictures of David W. you can notice him doing the same sign : http://whatisthepyramid.com/wp-content/u...ilcock.JPG
As you know many disinfoagents are working from within and that's why they managed to destroy the UFO-community in the 70's. Just one example : Billy Meier. Before you are going to jump up be sure that your thought is indeed yours and not implanted from the many negative criticism towards Meier.
Could it be that D.W. is only distracting us from something else ? Just like me he is an intuitive person and even if he is still us bringing wanderfull things on a plate, he seem to avoid something and I can't put my finger on it !
Nothing to do with this but he never replied to my several emails where I said I subtitled his 2012 Enigma with dutch language. I never had a response, neither had I a response from the projectcamelot website for the subtitling of Boriska.