11-18-2009, 05:11 PM
Questioner, my connection with my higher self isn't incredibly strong right now. It kind of just comes and goes. That connection tends to show up when I am under intense stress...the most common instance is when my empathy is causing me to take in more pain than I can handle (still working on all those grounding and shielding techniques to keep that from happening). I am constantly trying to build on this connection, though, to the point where I can conversate and integrate with my higher self at will. You'd think getting to know yourself wouldn't be so hard, but it's a journey all in itself, at least for me. Having all these folks in my head I can talk to makes every day a grand ol' adventure.
Fairyfarmgirl, you were burned at the stake? I don't have any specific memories like that, but I've noticed that in this incarnation I have several irrational phobias, mainly dead plants and toasted cheese. I could never figure out why on earth these completely benign things scared me so much until I realized that they reminded me of burned things...all black and crinkly. It made me wonder if I had a bad experience with fire in a past life. Strangely enough, I am not afraid of fire itself at all and love to play with it, but burned things just send chills up my spine. I've also seen a man with what looked like black, burned skin in one of my "visions." Just an interesting thought.
Fairyfarmgirl, you were burned at the stake? I don't have any specific memories like that, but I've noticed that in this incarnation I have several irrational phobias, mainly dead plants and toasted cheese. I could never figure out why on earth these completely benign things scared me so much until I realized that they reminded me of burned things...all black and crinkly. It made me wonder if I had a bad experience with fire in a past life. Strangely enough, I am not afraid of fire itself at all and love to play with it, but burned things just send chills up my spine. I've also seen a man with what looked like black, burned skin in one of my "visions." Just an interesting thought.