11-15-2009, 02:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2009, 03:53 PM by Peregrinus.)
(11-15-2009, 12:46 AM)Memorandem Wrote: I will not doubt your statement about being unfeeling; it is estimated (IIRC) that up to 6% of the population is psycho or sociopathic. If there are this many who don't feel emotion like the rest of us, then it's not surprising that one of them would be found here (trivia: integrity and emotional sensitivity I think are barely related. Even an unfeeling person will pick a direction of up or down, IMO). I'm not comparing you to the evil ones or suggesting you are that kind.Sociopath would be the correct term, but that is typically more labeled as antisocial personality disorder nowadays. I have looked into this deeply, and though I fill some criteria, I would not meet many criteria. I am not harmful to others, nor to myself. I do not think only of myself, but greatly of others. These two criteria separate me vastly. I have always known were I to be a monster, I would have been a very bad one. I am thankful to the One Creator I am not.
(11-15-2009, 12:46 AM)Memorandem Wrote: I think "unfeelingness" is actually an enormous advantage if you use it right. I believe that, if you are ascending from a position of unfeelingness, you actually have a great advantage because you will be able to put the lower chakras into alignment without the assumptions and deliria that can come from strong emotions. It seems that many die before getting that done and end up starting a new life being emotionally confused from a young age.Perhaps this is true, but I have already ascended, being a wanderer, so this is not new to me. I just don't understand how being unfeeling in this incarnation would be of help. Wait... I have had visions of two previous incarnations, and how I died, specifically. In one I was a soldier and died going over the top of the trenches. In the second I was a woman and was strangled to death after having been raped. Perhaps I have been shielded from emotions in this incarnation because the emotions of those deaths would carry through to me... I don't know, just a thought. Balancing the chakras... working on it.
(11-15-2009, 02:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: Well, you sure do seem to have had more than the average person's experience of your body getting banged up and then healing much faster than typical. Also your innate nature seems to be the quality of life that Zeno and the ancient Stoics aspired to reach: free of negative emotions, but also without the happiness part.I don't know if it was happiness, but I always felt the closest to life when closest to death. Yes, I suppose I am stoic, as per their philosophy... I can understand their philosophies as logical.
To quote Stoic philosophy:
Quote:The universe itself is god and the universal outpouring of its soul; it is this same world's guiding principle, operating in mind and reason, together with the common nature of things and the totality which embraces all existence; then the foreordained might and necessity of the future; then fire and the principle of aether; then those elements whose natural state is one of flux and transition, such as water, earth, and air; then the sun, the moon, the stars; and the universal existence in which all things are contained.The last I have lived my whole life.
Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the structure of the web.
The four cardinal virtues of the Stoic philosophy are wisdom (Sophia), courage (Andreia), justice (Dikaiosyne), and temperance (Sophrosyne), a classification derived from the teachings of Plato.
(11-15-2009, 02:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: I'd like to make sure I understand where you are coming from with this explanation. Using your mind, it makes sense to be helpful to other people. Using your mind, you understand that you probably have a spirit and that your spirit also benefits as you are of service.I don't probably have a spirit. I have one. This is to me fact, not speculation. Yes I logically chose STOS long ago, before I had heard of the LOO (a month ago). I was able to state all of the LOO principles at 15 years of age. It was logical.
(11-15-2009, 02:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: Using your mind, you realize that other people have a lot to say and express about emotions. But if you have emotions, you can't locate them, other than disappointment, anger and frustration at whatever Higher Self got you into an emotionless life. Since you don't know of having emotions, you can't actually imagine or predict whether those emotions would also feel compassion or would feel something else. There raises a reasonable question: if you could feel emotions, would they relate to your thought processes or have some agenda of their own?You ask the blind man, who has never seen, what he would imagine something to look like. This is rather impossible.
(11-15-2009, 02:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: May I ask what's involved in that work? (Pineal)- I have removed all fluoride from my intake.
- I eat only brown or other non-refined breads.
- I do not ingest sugar, or as minimally as I can. I drink no soda, nor eat candy of any kind.
- I take Sea Kelp supplement daily.
- I take lecithin supplement daily
- I drink the juice from 1/2 lime daily.
- I drink 1 glass of white grapefruit juice daily.
- I have reduced light levels in my room so it is near pitch black when I sleep.
- I look at the sun with my eyes closed for one minute every time I am outside, several times a day if possible.
- I have increased my amount of daily sleep.
- I live each day in love and light, and am increasing my vibrational frequency. In the morning of each day I thank the creator for giving me this opportunity at another day on this earth. It is, as is the creators love, a blessing. I also give thanks many times a day for what I can.
Quote:I make a correction. I intended to mean "awakened ones".(11-15-2009, 02:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: Perhaps the words "enlightening ones" might have better suited the intended meaning?(11-15-2009, 05:53 AM)sylverone Wrote: Be aware I aspire to enlightenment but don't think I should be described as an enlighted one. Others here may well be.
(11-15-2009, 05:53 AM)sylverone Wrote: I do not know if this is of value to you, Peregrinus, but I looked up the etymology of the word compassion. It comes from a form of the word compani (Greek I think?), meaning "to pity"; com-, meaning "together", and pani, meaning "to suffer". "To suffer together"...The strange thing is, on a social complex level, I feel compassion. On a personal level do I not. If I walk down the street and see multitudes of people in their personal spaces ignoring the world around them, ignoring others eyes, ignoring those of the street, playing or txting or calling on their cell phones,... oblivious to the beauty around them, it saddens me deeply. I am saddened and pity all of them, but individually, I care not. When a man I knew had his arm broken so that the arm did a right angle and his hand stuck straight out away from the center of his stomach when he held the elbow. My response... "Suck it up buttercup. Crying about it won't help". I wouldn't say such a thing nowadays I know better, but I would think it.
(11-15-2009, 05:53 AM)sylverone Wrote:"Kicking higher self's ass", I meant it as a joke. My apology for my incorrect use of humor. Love, to me is ensuring the happiness of others, and giving all I can to ensure that.Peregrinus Wrote:Again, note to self: kick higher self's a$$ when on metaphysical plane.Do you feel anger or frustration about the situation, as this might imply, or this also a "logical" thing to say? Are there any things which might be described as "emotions", which you do feel? And, out of pure curiosity; can you attempt to describe how the feeling of love manifests within you?
(11-15-2009, 05:53 AM)sylverone Wrote: A while back I saw an episode of Star Trek in which Data and Spock both noted that the other had possessed by his very nature the qualities that the other had been seeking all of his respective life. Data sought to be more human, and Spock desired to be purely logical, the vulcan ideal.As I think I previously said in this post, I envied Spock for his emotions, but and I always thought they really overdid them, for someone who was supposed to be more logical than emotional.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, however, I only seek a balance of that which I am in this incarnate, a spirit having a human experience.