12-24-2011, 09:16 AM
(12-23-2011, 09:01 PM)Tyler Durden Maybe Wrote: Tenet Nosce,
HaHa! I have never counted you (Tenet Nosce) in the the group of "Most Earthlings", and your use of your own statement as an analog of a zenmaster answer was well played and much enjoyed.
I really don't want my suspicion of Most Earthlings always needing to be right and win no matter what to apply in this case, I love being wrong and I'd love to be wrong. I'd love for zen to let me know he has been wrong/incorrect in the past or even the present, then I probably wouldn't laugh so much. Ever hear the saying like "A Fool always think he's right but a Wise Man knows when he's wrong" Wise Men aren't as funny.
Funny you say that because after the trance I was in on 11/11/11 (posted fully about it in the 11/11/11 thread) I chuckled to myself about how ridiculous all this speculation and discussion is once viewed from a higher point. In the trance it was like everything was a catalyst, I saw one in everything so to speak. The answers to all of our questions is everything around us, every word spoken to us.
It is difficult to resist the inquisitive mechanical side of our minds and try to define every little distortion as Ra would put it. When the answer lies in that which can not be defined but rather felt.
We can not achieve a constant state of the one that I was in because we are not meant to. It scared me at the time, it was meant to I think. All we can do is follow our will and go with the flow.Not saying this forum isn't a good thing, this is a vital catalyst I suspect for us all on here as wanderers. Still follow your inquisitive mind, but know it is the feelings that are the real indicators and not the definitions.