12-23-2011, 11:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2011, 01:06 AM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-23-2011, 10:15 PM)Tyler Durden Maybe Wrote: I've also heard that Human Beings are somewhat "Hard-Wired" to believe whatever it is they believe no matter what, as a kind of Evolutionary function.
That is true, to an extent. But there is also evidence for genetic manipulation toward bellicosity and insolence. And I don't mean just from Ra Material.
New Evidence Debunks 'Stupid' Neanderthal Myth
Quote:Blades were first produced by Homo sapiens during their colonization of Europe from Africa approximately 40,000 years ago. This has traditionally been thought to be a dramatic technological advance, helping Homo sapiens out-compete, and eventually eradicate, their Stone Age cousins. Yet when the research team analysed their data there was no statistical difference between the efficiency of the two technologies. In fact, their findings showed that in some respects the flakes favoured by Neanderthals were more efficient than the blades adopted by Homo sapiens.
Now that it is established that there is no technical advantage to blades, why did Homo sapiens adopt this technology during their colonization of Europe? The researchers suggest that the reason for this shift may be more cultural or symbolic. Eren explains: "Colonizing a continent isn't easy. Colonizing a continent during the Ice Age is even harder. So, for early Homo sapiens colonizing Ice Age Europe, a new shared and flashy-looking technology might serve as one form of social glue by which larger social networks were bonded. Thus, during hard times and resource droughts these larger social networks might act like a type of 'life insurance,' ensuring exchange and trade among members on the same 'team.'"
My guess is that "Eren" is one of those 50+ folks to which you previously referred that can't see the truth even when it smacks them right in the face. Notice how the murderous technology is spun into a good thing. You know... something that was useful and necessary for "colonizing". Funny, when I read the word colon-ize it makes me think of disembowelment. Now blades would certainly be useful for that.
Brains of Neanderthals and Modern Humans Developed Differently
Neanderthals More Advanced Than Previously Thought: They Innovated, Adapted Like Modern Humans, Research Shows
Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows
Fall of the Neanderthals: Volume of Modern Humans Infiltrating Europe Cited as Critical Factor
Ancient Humans Were Mixing It Up: Anatomically Modern Humans Interbred With More Archaic Hominin Forms While in Africa
But notice how, in these studies, the scientists are still overlooking the obvious explanation and calling it "interbreeding". When interbreeding occurs between species, there is exchange of entire chromosomes, not chromosome parts. That is evidence of genetic engineering, not interbreeding, and anybody who has taken a intro course in genetics should know that. Some "scientists" should be stripped of their degrees, in my opinion.
After the "new man" was manufactured, they were told by their "creator" that it was their right/duty/privilege to roam the earth, committing genocide of their more peaceful and gentle cousins, the Neanderthals. And there were a couple other of species of hominids that early man wiped out as well. Notice how this lines up well with the multitude of "creation myths"... except the genocide of other species part has been conveniently edited out. The fratricide within our own species, of course, remains in the materials, and it always said to have been done at the behest of "God" against the "rebels". Interesting... I wonder what those "rebels" were rebelling against? Genocide, maybe?
Maybe it all has something to do with collective amnesia caused by repression of these heinous atrocities committed by our ancestors upon those others they perceived themselves as "better than"?
Quote:The Truth is often much too scary for the average person.