12-23-2011, 10:15 PM
Tenet Nosce,
In regards to "Most Earthlings" I actually think it is because the Truth is too scary to them then the Lie, so they will believe the Lie and say that is correct/right, and say the Truth is incorrect/wrong and use Cognitive Dissonance to perpetuate this no matter what. The Truth is often much too scary for the average person.
The biggest example of this is 9/11. Even followers of David Wilcock's every word will somehow exclude this particular topic, Well David says 9/11 was an Inside Job but he is wrong on just this one thing, but he's right on everything else. I know people like this.
It's mush less scary to most people to believe a couple Saudi Arabians with Box Cutters and pilot training on Cessna Small Aircraft committed the acts on 9/11 than to believe it was elements of the Military Industrial Complex / Secret Government / Illuminati Cabal.
It's funny how on this one particular topic they believe without question what the Mainstream Media and Bush Administration told them. But if you ask them do they believe what the the Bush Administration and Mainstream Media say in general or at all on any other topic, the answer is a resounding No they are liars. But in this case, they totally believe them. And not the thousands of Scientists, Pilots, Firefighters, Physicists, Engineers and not to mention every Spiritual Leader & Researcher I've ever heard speak on the subject, who say otherwise. I can't think of one well known Spiritual Author/Researcher who doesn't think 9/11 was an inside job, yet many, many spiritual people, especially older (like 50+) people, they just cannot handle this as truth even if it is true.
I've also heard that Human Beings are somewhat "Hard-Wired" to believe whatever it is they believe no matter what, as a kind of Evolutionary function. It would not serve the species to perpetuate itself if every action they took or belief they held was constantly questioned. For example, It wouldn't help Humans to believe that the floor wasn't solid every time the took a step so they think it is solid, even though we now know "Solid" matter isn't what we thought is was! That kind of thing.
In regards to "Most Earthlings" I actually think it is because the Truth is too scary to them then the Lie, so they will believe the Lie and say that is correct/right, and say the Truth is incorrect/wrong and use Cognitive Dissonance to perpetuate this no matter what. The Truth is often much too scary for the average person.
The biggest example of this is 9/11. Even followers of David Wilcock's every word will somehow exclude this particular topic, Well David says 9/11 was an Inside Job but he is wrong on just this one thing, but he's right on everything else. I know people like this.
It's mush less scary to most people to believe a couple Saudi Arabians with Box Cutters and pilot training on Cessna Small Aircraft committed the acts on 9/11 than to believe it was elements of the Military Industrial Complex / Secret Government / Illuminati Cabal.
It's funny how on this one particular topic they believe without question what the Mainstream Media and Bush Administration told them. But if you ask them do they believe what the the Bush Administration and Mainstream Media say in general or at all on any other topic, the answer is a resounding No they are liars. But in this case, they totally believe them. And not the thousands of Scientists, Pilots, Firefighters, Physicists, Engineers and not to mention every Spiritual Leader & Researcher I've ever heard speak on the subject, who say otherwise. I can't think of one well known Spiritual Author/Researcher who doesn't think 9/11 was an inside job, yet many, many spiritual people, especially older (like 50+) people, they just cannot handle this as truth even if it is true.
I've also heard that Human Beings are somewhat "Hard-Wired" to believe whatever it is they believe no matter what, as a kind of Evolutionary function. It would not serve the species to perpetuate itself if every action they took or belief they held was constantly questioned. For example, It wouldn't help Humans to believe that the floor wasn't solid every time the took a step so they think it is solid, even though we now know "Solid" matter isn't what we thought is was! That kind of thing.