11-12-2009, 01:28 AM
(11-12-2009, 12:01 AM)Marina Wrote: One way to do this: Find a safe place, go down on the floor on your back with the heart area open and arms outstretched. If possible slightly arch the back over a pillow or bolster so that the chest is really open and the body is supported. In this position, listen to Pacobel's Canon (not sure of spelling). This will feel like little hands slowly opening up the heart chakra.I will try this though I know I am weak in the orange (sacral) already, see below.
(11-12-2009, 12:01 AM)Marina Wrote: Another way (as you mentioned is through film). Film makers know how to help us feel and it is a nice environment-dark, secluded, no other responsibilities.That lasts for all of about five seconds. I well to tears, and then it subsides before I can shed a tear. The movie Sea Biscuit actually was the first movie I ever actually shed a tear to. I relate to animals better than humans. I find them to be utterly truthful and with less games in their manner. I have learned to listen to them, and, although I dislike the term, can "horse whisper" a horse in no time. Give me the meanest horse you can find, and I can make it gentle and loving and even fall asleep on it's feet standing right in front of me, all in an hour. People are amazed, but to me it is simple. It is logical.
If I understand it correctly, one must have the lower three chakras open in order to have full function of the upper chakras?
I have included, as an attachment, chakra test results. As you see, my orange and green chakras are weak weak weak, which I feel is absolutely accurate. I am currently working on the orange chakra, trying to remove the blockage there. Perhaps I will see if I can get my sister to perform reiki on me and see if that helps.