(12-23-2011, 03:27 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Wanderers don't need this catalyst.Not according to the material. They also need to be here for their own evolution. Not many wanders are able to polarize to 'adept' levels of work here, which would also greatly aid society. Almost all wanderers are pre-higher-self actualization. They are attempting to remove distortions. Conditions such as these, with the self-programmed biases, greatly facilitate that work. This is regardless of yearning for comforts of "home" and feeling of impropriety, or estrangement based on their somewhat different, native logos development.
Further, there are plenty of 3D natives and transplants that are more conscious and polarized than wanderers of 4th, 5th, and 6th densities. They may be more 'naive', but they are involving 'more of what they are' in their seeking at this time. If anything, the wanderers, in that case, are the ones weighing down evolution.
In the course of their lifetimes here, many wanderers typically will get stuck right at that level that needs to be addressed. Here it's identified as green vMeme - involving 'transformation of mind'. Although many wanderers may rapidly make it to the 'green valuing meme' from the standpoint of experience, many - perhaps most - get trapped there amusing themselves with intuitional vagueries, inflated sense of righteousness, zealotry, hyper-relativism, pseudo-transcendental magical thinking, 'being' or 'knowing' better, etc. which, if left unacknowledged, serve to actually relinquish responsibility for development. They engage in separational finger-pointing at others, appealing to impotence, at the expense of learning and problem solving. That attitude is basically one which rejects further development - i.e. using faith and will.
But there are higher levels of experience than that identified as 'green vMeme' already available here, so yes there is plenty of opportunity here, at this time, that is actively being rejected with excuses which necessarily involve projection. That attitude necessarily requires more and more rejected catalyst from the wanderers.