(12-14-2011, 07:16 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: I'd be curious to hear which are the 'lot of insights' you think I am 'missing'.
It would be impossible to accurately convey the numerous insights, thoughtful, brilliant points and subtle distinctions made in 1789 posts. :-/ (That is the post count as of this moment.)
(12-14-2011, 07:16 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: what made you think I was mentioning the 'eating meat' thread
I too got that impression:
(11-28-2011, 10:27 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: I am aware of the In regards to eating meat thread but I don't want to participate in the thread. Besides, though I made a short post there a couple of days ago, it is too long a thread really to start reading it now. Two or three weeks ago I tried to however and, started reading from the start but did not go past page three...
...So did I (avoided the thread) since the start.
(12-14-2011, 07:16 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: The reference about the other thread was to explain some circumstances to Ruth, though I carefully edited out all brutal words. Words can be weapons, they can hurt and, I didn't want that to happen in this thread.
Since you did mention the other discussion, in fairness to it and for the benefit of those who might wish to read it, but who might get turned off of it upon reading your description of it as 'brutal', I offer this:
Blatantly 'brutal' words aren't allowed anywhere in this forum. I personally found the discussion grueling, because of the strong emotional charge often generated, but highly thought-provoking and rewarding at the same time. I second Diana's opinion that there is much richness there, and would encourage anyone interested in the topic to dig in and read it. Yes, it's long, but it's a complex subject and there are many subtle nuances expressed, from many points of views, that are very rewarding.
I wouldn't refer to anyone, on either side of the debate, as being 'brutal.' That's just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. You are also entitled to start your own discussion, as you've done.
Discussing consciousness in plants or animals can be kept light. But as soon as discussion turns to what people are choosing to eat, the discussion can turn volatile, and people tend to get defensive, no matter how 'nicely' differing opinions were expressed. Passions rise and tempers flare whenever people discuss volatile topics. All things considered, I'd say we did rather well, compared to what I've seen on public forums when they discuss controversial topics.
With that, I will leave you to your discussion about plants. I won't be participating because I already shared a great deal about plants in the meat thread, and I see no point in repeating it all here.