12-06-2011, 08:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2011, 08:42 PM by highpriestess.)
Quote:Ra: These sound vibration complexes [of what you call your Hebrew and some of what you call your Sanskrit vowels] have power before time and space and represent configurations of light which built all that there is.
Questioner: How did the users of these sounds, Sanskrit and Hebrew, determine what these sounds were?
Ra: I am Ra. In the case of the Hebrew that entity known as Yahweh aided this knowledge through impression upon the material of genetic coding which became language, as you call it.
In the case of Sanskrit the sound vibrations are pure due to the lack of previous, what you call, alphabet or letter-naming. Thus the sound vibration complexes seemed to fall into place as from the Logos. This was a more, shall we say, natural or unaided situation or process.
Questioner: You spoke in a previous session about certain Hebrew and Sanskrit sound vibratory complexes being powerful because they were mathematically related to that which was the creation. Could you expand on this understanding as to how these are linked?
Ra: I am Ra. As we previously stated the linkage is mathematical or that of the ratio you may consider musical. There are those whose mind complex activities would attempt to resolve this mathematical ratio but at present the coloration of the intoned vowel is part of the vibration which cannot be accurately measured. However, it is equivalent to types of rotation of your primary material particles.
Questioner: Would these sounds, then, be of a musical nature in that there would be a musical arrangement of many different sound vibrations, or would this apply to just one single note? Which would it apply more to?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is not easily answered. In some cases only the intoned vowel has effect. In other cases, most notably Sanskrit combinations, the selection of harmonic intervals is also of resonant nature.
You can search online (youtube, grooveshark, etc.) for Sanskrit chants. Funny, a few weeks ago I was experiencing severely painful cramps and had a veritable 'download' of wisdom to cure; I closed my eyes and listened to "Om Asatoma Sadgamaya (ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय)". The pain alleviated almost immediately.
The chant itself is
Asatoma Sadgamaya
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Mrithyor Maa Amrutham Gamaya
Which means:
Lead me from the asat to the sat.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.
The first mantra—asato ma sadgamaya—means, "Lead me from the asat to the sat." In fact, it is best to not translate sat (nor its negative counterpart asat) for, as with many Sanskrit words, sat has many meanings and not only are most of them applicable here, their deliberate combined import provides a depth that no one of them could hold independently. These co-applicable meanings include: existence, reality and truth. (Co-applicable meanings for asat being: non-existence, non-reality and untruth.)more info here