12-03-2011, 03:17 AM
(12-01-2011, 05:34 PM)godwide_void Wrote: I was hesitant about sharing this and was mulling over if I should, but in the end I decided I might as well...
In the beginning of the week I arrived at the Catskill Mountains to do a job (all the dead trees around look like an ocean of 1's!) and I'm staying at a small motel here.
So sometime after work I was laying in my motel bed, meditating to an album I made which is entirely in 432hz which is the underlying frequency of Creation whose vibrations can apparently penetrate/repair DNA, and when I've listened to the songs after changing the frequency I feel very relaxed and have had some particularly intense meditations to them. So I was laying in bed and experienced something interesting. With my eyes closed, I made the motion of opening them while still closed, but made sure I wasn't just rolling my eyes back. After some time I felt my eyes "open" in the chambers of the closed eye. The phosphenes/visual static began forming visions and images very reminiscent of complex DMT entities. I lost perception of what direction I was facing.
I believe a little while after this was when contact was made. The "voice" was distant, distinct from my own mental voice, and time felt as though it stopped while communication was initiated. I don't remember the specifics (I estimate the whole experience lasted 5-7 minutes?) but this is what I remember:
- It identified itself as "Magwa", a social memory complex whose collective manner of seeking the Creator and connecting with the Creation is through sound and perceiving the melodies and harmonies of this octave.
- It sought me due to my manner of serving the One Infinite Creator through the music I create because my intentions for it are in dedication of the Creator. It then informed me that it as well as many entities throughout the Universe perceive the soundscapes I make even if not many here do. It also told me that Ra did indeed perceive and enjoy the one album I dedicated to it.
- The manner it communicated with me in was highly sophisticated.
It ended the contact by assuring me to remain on the path I am on and to nkot cease in my chosen service, concluding with a small speech similar to what Ra would.
All in all, I'm still unsure what to think of this contact. I have no experience with channeling (apart from my Higher Self). Nothing's happened since then so I might cross off schizophrenic break, but it was the combined circumstances of the 432hz meditation, the "eyes opening while closed" phenomenon and the strange internal voice.
The experience was pretty cool, I never thought I'd experience channeling in this lifetime (especially not a surprise one!) but in the end what I gathered from the experience was renewed inspiration.
So there you have it! Your thoughts?
You are very lucky, I am glad you got to experience this. Do you feel enlightened? I know I would.