(11-28-2011, 01:02 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: As a departing offer... I would encourage anybody who is so easily willing to simply toss out the knowledge and wisdom offered through the L/L Research Transcripts so that they can be "right" about how others are "wrong" to reconsider their motives. If you think the material is that unreliable... why are you here in this forum discussing it?
Seriously. Consider it.
The same reason yourself and Zen have had lengthily discussions :¬)
The same reason anyone, anywhere has a discussion. Offering different viewpoints.
In an emotionally charged subject such as animals and their killing, things are likely to get, well, emotionally charged. If you're incarnate here, you're human. That means you're most likely not perfectly balanced and polarised, with biases and distortions to iron out.
It's far more beneficial to be open to one's distortions, express them and balance them, rather than avoid getting involved for the sake of not facing/balancing potential distortions within yourself.
I know a lot of 'spiritual' people who consider themselves highly centered and balanced. The catch is they do this purely by avoiding anything they don't agree with. That's not balance. In fact is a clear indicator of imbalance. One must engage and integrate if they wish to progress.