11-30-2011, 01:25 AM
(11-29-2011, 12:10 PM)Ruth Wrote: About science backing me up - and perhaps this should be a different thread - I don't much care what science "proves" or "disproves". I am a spiritual being, and put far greater stock/belief into what I KNOW spiritually (like hearing plants and trees and animals talk - or at least sensing their energies) than I do in what someone thinks they can prove scientifically. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading or watching vids like the one you posted that share information from other spiritual beings who are trying to demonstrate how things really are, but it doesn't change what I know/feel.
Does that make any sense to you?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that science follows spirit, not the other way around.
I agree, as I wrote a couple of posts above, "What I like about this film is that it gives us support to what we feel and we've always known in the depth of our being."
You'll find on this link what prompted me to research the support of science in regards to plants, http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthrea...239&page=3, posts # 49 and 50. You will see that questions were asked and, because I was challenged to find evidence, so I did. It is the video.

Also, as I posted earlier, it was only a few weeks ago that I became aware of Monica's reply but dating back to March last year!
Below are a few excerpts of post # 50.
(03-23-2010, 01:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote:(10-18-2009, 06:29 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I perceive its life force as being radiant and happy to merge with mine. I don't think its life force has exited its body when I pull it out of the ground, as the soul of a deer exits its body when the bullet kills its body in a bloody act of violence.I agree. The life force of the lettuce is only fading away slowly from the moment it is taken away from its nourishing ground. :-/ And it is only when it is actually under our teeth that it starts to suffer and die, not very differently than when a tiger eats a live animal.
I respectfully disagree. On what basis do you think the lettuce is suffering? I see no evidence of that. …
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote:(10-18-2009, 06:29 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The carrots and potatoes are definitely still alive. They continue to grow sprouts until their life force merges with mine.Oh yes, they are trying hard to survive until the last second.
Again, on what basis are you presupposing this? This sounds like mere speculation. Why do you attribute 3D characteristics (free will, sentience) to 2D entities? …
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote:(10-18-2009, 06:29 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The slaughter of an animal against its will is death. It's violence.And the lettuces, aren't we acting against their will or do we ask their consent before eating them raw?
Your question presupposes that 2D plants have free will. Do they?
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: As a shaman, I have seldomly see a life which wants to be eaten or, to perish, so far and, this includes plants.
Under what circumstances did you observe plants about to be eaten? Did you observe plants about to be harvested by a machine? In which case, of course the spirit fled in terror! Or, did you observe a lettuce lovingly harvested by an appreciative gardener?
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: We have to accept that we kill in order to eat, We have to be aware of what we do. Because if we are not aware of the everyday killing of life, how can we ever do something about it? It is about awareness and responsibility.
What do you propose we 'do' about it? I am doing something about it. I refuse to participate in the killing. …
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote:(10-18-2009, 06:29 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I think that if a soul is sentient enough to have free will, it won't incarnate into the body of a carrot. It'll choose an animal body so it can run for its life. I think that's a clue.The lettuce would run for its life if it only could!
This is speculation. How do you know that? …
I know the cow suffers. I know the cow doesn't want to be killed.
I don't know that about the lettuce. I have only your opinion to go by. I respect your opinion as a shaman, but, to be honest, I don't take it as absolute or authoritative. …
(10-18-2009, 04:52 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: The Earth is the Logos (or octave) above us. My concern about food chain is about densities above us. As a principle, on Earth, life feeds from the density below, meaning that we are food for someone. I just wonder what it is that they 'eat' from us.
Respectfully, I think you are making some assumptions here. I don't think we can assume that, just because a pattern is prevalent in the lower densities, that it is also prevalent in the higher densities. …
Those excerpts above from this other thread show the circumstances of this present thread.
Of course, I've never been in favor of the killing of animals. My position is that I do not support the killing of animals AND of plants. But then, because I know that people needs to survive in different climates, different seasons, with different social economic possibilities as well as with different health requirements and, at different moments of their life, I am of a reasonable position. In order to survive, people need to eat as well as to get shelter. From the eating, hopefully, the best that is happening is that people are doing work in consciousness. Where I reconcile with having to eat is that we are all part of a bigger picture.
For my part, I do not see the point 'fighting' about which is best between eating plants or meat because there is no best. Regarding eating, I see that there is in the world a need for inner reconciliation with ourselves, with animals and with plants. There is a need for self-responsibility at the personal level. There is a need for better treatment to all life, not only plants and animals but also to human beings. I see everything else as acts of tyranny. I did not say that there is no progress to be made because, there is! I am saying that it could take a couple of centuries at least.
Also, when plants and animals have enjoyed a good life, it is always better of course but there are so much progresses to make in that area. For over 35 years, I have supported organic, fair trade, biodynamic and free range types of culture at a time when these were very little known. I have helped in raising consciousness around me in my family and then amongst friends. But all this takes time because people are slow to move and, they cannot be forced ... free will... remember.
For example, as I explained in the post, I want to eat fruits but, the fruits which the Earth is giving in abundance and which should provide ample nourishment for everyone on the whole planet are not enough in term of nourishment. Why? Because, no-one care to care about fruits.
In oranges today, there are so much chemicals, preservatives and radiation that when the product arrives on our tables, it is virtually empty of nutrients. On the land, some other people prefers to grow factories or nuclear plants or endless fields of wheat. They do not care about the quality of the soil. I do not want wheat, there is too much wheat already ... I want quality fruits! Why can't I have quality fruits? Because there is not enough? How unfair and ridiculous but true!
There are wars going on between vegetarians and meat eaters, between vegans and vegetarians, between the blood types diets and the macro-diet. And it goes on and on. There are conflicts between countries, between cultures, between religions and, all for very good reasons and... you know, I am tired of these endless conflicts. As a societal complex we need HARMONY! There is jut not one diet which will fit all! Or one culture or one religion alone for that matter. For us STOs to keep harmony, we need to work together with a greatest variety of ways because each is UNIQUE and with unique requirements.
Ra would ask where is the love in the eating. Do we eat what we do not love? No, of course we eat what we love. Each eats what they love. May we be forgiven that our love takes such an expression as eating other life forms. So, forgive the self and everyone for loving with such a distortion. Then let's move forward.
But I am telling you. I disagree with the feeding ways of this planetary complex and, in 4d, I am going to produce perfect and delicious fruits which can provide all necessary nourishment.

Thank you Crown for sharing about the trees and their spirit.

Blessings of Peace in Love and Light
Love always