This post is going to seem a little off the wall, but these are things I wonder about. It seems to me that the 3rd density cycle of three 25000 year segments on earth is tied to the earth's precession which completes a cycle every 26000 years. The final of the three 25000 year cycles of 3rd density is completing on 12/21/2012, so it is assumed that this is the official time of the harvest. But as I thought about this and that Ra referred to this 75000 year period as applying to all 3rd density planets, I have to wonder how this is so. Not only years are different on all planets, but precessional time periods is as well. For example, both Mars and Venus have different length years than earth, with the Venus year being shorter and the Mars year being about twice as long. Also, each planet has much different precessional lengths as well - so if 3rd density is tied to precessional cycles, then how does this square with Mars and Venus, both of which had 3rd density life? In other words, a year on earth is not a year on another planet, and 75000 years on earth is not 75000 years on another planet. So why the emphasis on 75000 years as a standard? If it's tied to the precessional cycle of a planet, why would that be significant since there is such a wide variation? The only thing I can figure is that maybe this changes on a planet from density to density. Is this making any sense? Any thoughts on this somewhat lunatic rambling?
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