(11-10-2011, 10:22 PM)StormShadow Wrote: Hey all,
I am thinking about buying a crystal pyramid - a new shop opened up nearby and they carry them - and I wanted to know if people have found them useful, in what way, and what cautions there might be in relation to angles, size, material, etc.
I was thinking of placing one under my pillow or bed while I sleep. Any other uses?
I place a crystal pyramid (about 5cm per base edge, very close to Great Pyramid ratios) under my pillow for 30 minutes each morning. The first 10 minutes under the head, the following 10 under the heart and the final 10 at the base of the spine. Don't exceed that amount as per Ra's instructions - I forgot about it once and it was under my pillow for a week, and for that week, I felt very tired/drained.
I also charge all of my drinking water by leaving it over the same pyramid for 10-15 minutes before drinking it.
Dowsing revealed that it removes all impurities and increases it's healing effects tenfold. A good water filter (I use this) and a crystal pyramid are all you need for healthy drinking water :¬)
I also place fruit over the pyramid; especially those with high water content; oranges, apples and grapes etc.