Tee hee. Women definitely have a subtlety about what attracts them. A guy might start out opening doors for them and treating them as feminine equals and, so often, they pay him back as you described. Some of that is just because they had their father's behavior locked into their own wiring, but not always.
You need to know that even they can't explain why they behave this way, but it's just built in from very ancient times. This is my theory: Because survival of herself and her future children affected female behavior by successfully creating offspring that achieved adulthood, a woman is attracted to a guy that thinks of himself first and her second. She may not say so or even think so consciously that if the man isn't skillful enough to survive a cataclysmic event on his own, he is missing some necessary survival trait.
Once he has established that by some bad-boy behaviors, only then will the woman appreciate door opening. The wiring for that is that he now shows concern for a possession, i.e. he is bonding with her. She will like that then because it is sincere, not just for show. Complex, yes?
The successful guy may not win a pure thoughtfulness contest, but he will get the girl.
This is all bell-shaped curve stuff. Some women are so attracted to bad boys that they get into one horrible situation after another. Others might like high-politeness from the get-go just fine.
Finally, keep in mind that you might get an "attractive" female that otherwise isn't for you. :-/ That's what Oceania meant.
Edited to add this: after the relationship is well-developed, then the woman really will want her man to put her well-being and the offsprings' first, for obvious reasons. So be ready to adjust as necessary.
You need to know that even they can't explain why they behave this way, but it's just built in from very ancient times. This is my theory: Because survival of herself and her future children affected female behavior by successfully creating offspring that achieved adulthood, a woman is attracted to a guy that thinks of himself first and her second. She may not say so or even think so consciously that if the man isn't skillful enough to survive a cataclysmic event on his own, he is missing some necessary survival trait.
Once he has established that by some bad-boy behaviors, only then will the woman appreciate door opening. The wiring for that is that he now shows concern for a possession, i.e. he is bonding with her. She will like that then because it is sincere, not just for show. Complex, yes?
The successful guy may not win a pure thoughtfulness contest, but he will get the girl.
This is all bell-shaped curve stuff. Some women are so attracted to bad boys that they get into one horrible situation after another. Others might like high-politeness from the get-go just fine.
Finally, keep in mind that you might get an "attractive" female that otherwise isn't for you. :-/ That's what Oceania meant.
Edited to add this: after the relationship is well-developed, then the woman really will want her man to put her well-being and the offsprings' first, for obvious reasons. So be ready to adjust as necessary.