(10-26-2011, 12:37 PM)Oceania Wrote: oh Unity. i disagree again.
also, i never claimed he invented the mouse or whatnot. or credited him for inventing things he didn't create. i credited him for making the PC what it is. when the big computer comps didn't believe anyone regular had use for PCs, Steve did. he was a visionary. that's what i credit him with. but you assume things about people without asking. and then go on and tell them they are ignorant. i happen to know he stole a lot of his stuff, he was a pirate. Bill Gates stole from him. so what? the point is these men shaped the world. their presence, whether you agree with their ways or not, changed information sharing and people's access to technology.
excuse me, there is no more polite way of putting this - you are wrong. you dont know enough on this matter.
what you speak of, was back in late 1970s. by the time steve jobs was kicked out of apple, and returned back, ibm personal compatibles were being sold to everyone. and even before that, there was zx spectrum, commodore 64, msx compatibles in almost every other home and kids were playing and programming. that includes me in 1986. steve jobs did not return to helm of apple until september 1997. i got my first pc in 1993 fall. it was a household item at that point.
he didnt change ANYthing about 'the way people share information' or any other nonsense. people were using the technologies he sold to the apple fans long before he sold them, and again, they werent even 10% of the market in any of those.
the most you can say is, he was a marketer. and he marketed his products to a very loyal audience, which still doesnt constitute more than at most 20% of the customers in the world.
this 'steve jobs is great, apple is cool' stuff is predominantly an indulgence of americans. outside america, people actually dont care about either, and most dont know who steve jobs is either.