10-15-2011, 10:03 AM
My brother, this reminds me of a personal story that came to pass of recent. The hellions that seek to deceive and control man and rebuke the one true Lord had targeted me with fervor as of late. As I slept, the Lord's caring and graceful angels trumpeted their horns, alerting me to the ones referred to as the hellions.
The next day I pondered on this message and attempted to reveal to myself the deception for which I had played into. After understanding the nature of the deception and seeing the extent of their illusory powers, I fled from my home in search for a true man of God and faith to cure me of my afflictions.
As I walked through the darkest of cities at the early dark hours of the night, I had no fear of those who would attempt bodily harm. I was harboring an evil that could not play host in my holy temple.
As I traveled to search for this holy man, I found two men claiming to be prophets. The first of these men, had sin in his heart, for which I showed him my love of the one true God. When I asked him his name, he said it was Ra. The prophet claimed he could not cure my ills, but that he would for a price of gratitude show me to the doors of a church that would surely lead me to a true man of God and faith.
As I parted ways with Ra, I showed to him my thanks for lighting my path and praised him for his service.
As I arrived at the mammoth cathedral, the doors were closed and locked, leaving me to sit at its door step in prayer that the Lord would send me a true man of God and faith to cast out the darkness that was gripping my existence.
I prayed for hours that the doors of the church, a place of worship and praise to the lord Jesus Christ, the savior of man, would open and allow me to seek its loving shelter.
As I continued to pray, I saw the door budge, and the force of the wind blow at it, and the metal locks attempt to give way, but the door would not be opened.
Knowing that the lord was listening to my prayers, and with only hours before the dawn of his beautiful and loving light, I prayed that the heavens send to me a man of true God and faith, who could steer me into the light once more.
Not too long after, as I huddled at the step of the lofty doors in prayer, a man walked by who noticed me and asked with careful concern "Are you okay?"
Of all the people I had approached on my path with my troubles, not one had led me to salvation. Every door I came to was closed and locked. It was only when I prayed with all of my heart and being to the Lord for his salvation, did he construct of me a temple within that was of sturdy form to provide the shelter necessary to praise the Lord on high and receive his light and love.
My heart overflowed with joy as I knew that at this moment the heavenly hosts had heard my prayers, I responded to him "Are you a priest?"
He replied "I am a pastor."
I then told him I needed a man of God and faith who could drive out the darkness and deception that was harboring within me.
To my surprise, he understood exactly how to cast these tricksters out from my being, and so he did with the love and praise to the one true creator.
I felt healed, and so I thanked the stranger, and offered him my assistance in return.
As the sun rose on the horizon, so did my soul to greet its creator in thanks and love.
Let Ra be your guide to a temple of service and praise external to the self, where at its doors you wait in prayer to the one true Lord.
Instead of praying that the Lord opens those doors, pray that the Lord instead sends you the key to their lock.
Be well my brothers and sisters, God bless you all.
The next day I pondered on this message and attempted to reveal to myself the deception for which I had played into. After understanding the nature of the deception and seeing the extent of their illusory powers, I fled from my home in search for a true man of God and faith to cure me of my afflictions.
As I walked through the darkest of cities at the early dark hours of the night, I had no fear of those who would attempt bodily harm. I was harboring an evil that could not play host in my holy temple.
As I traveled to search for this holy man, I found two men claiming to be prophets. The first of these men, had sin in his heart, for which I showed him my love of the one true God. When I asked him his name, he said it was Ra. The prophet claimed he could not cure my ills, but that he would for a price of gratitude show me to the doors of a church that would surely lead me to a true man of God and faith.
As I parted ways with Ra, I showed to him my thanks for lighting my path and praised him for his service.
As I arrived at the mammoth cathedral, the doors were closed and locked, leaving me to sit at its door step in prayer that the Lord would send me a true man of God and faith to cast out the darkness that was gripping my existence.
I prayed for hours that the doors of the church, a place of worship and praise to the lord Jesus Christ, the savior of man, would open and allow me to seek its loving shelter.
As I continued to pray, I saw the door budge, and the force of the wind blow at it, and the metal locks attempt to give way, but the door would not be opened.
Knowing that the lord was listening to my prayers, and with only hours before the dawn of his beautiful and loving light, I prayed that the heavens send to me a man of true God and faith, who could steer me into the light once more.
Not too long after, as I huddled at the step of the lofty doors in prayer, a man walked by who noticed me and asked with careful concern "Are you okay?"
Of all the people I had approached on my path with my troubles, not one had led me to salvation. Every door I came to was closed and locked. It was only when I prayed with all of my heart and being to the Lord for his salvation, did he construct of me a temple within that was of sturdy form to provide the shelter necessary to praise the Lord on high and receive his light and love.
My heart overflowed with joy as I knew that at this moment the heavenly hosts had heard my prayers, I responded to him "Are you a priest?"
He replied "I am a pastor."
I then told him I needed a man of God and faith who could drive out the darkness and deception that was harboring within me.
To my surprise, he understood exactly how to cast these tricksters out from my being, and so he did with the love and praise to the one true creator.
I felt healed, and so I thanked the stranger, and offered him my assistance in return.
As the sun rose on the horizon, so did my soul to greet its creator in thanks and love.
Let Ra be your guide to a temple of service and praise external to the self, where at its doors you wait in prayer to the one true Lord.
Instead of praying that the Lord opens those doors, pray that the Lord instead sends you the key to their lock.
Be well my brothers and sisters, God bless you all.
Quote:Quote:I thought the reason for the Strictly Law of One section was for that. It's stupid if we have to relate every single post to the Law of One, I mean there's really more to it than just the Ra Material. I think it's silly to say it "would not fit". The purpose of the forum is supposed to be a place for wanderers to commune and share their ideas, interpretations and journies, not to establish the LOO as a doctrinal body...
the purpose of the forum is well laid out in its rules. for the better or for worse.
that aside, even if Ra material was limited to strictly Law of One section, it would still be rather illogical to let people to deliver their personal philosophies or beliefs in forums like science & technology or life on planet earth. there would be no end to that.
these fall in the other channeling material forum.
that naturally ties the other forums to material that can be paralleled or verified with Ra material.