10-06-2009, 06:15 PM
(10-06-2009, 04:51 PM)ahktu Wrote: I hope this is the right place to post this. I’m not trying to just share a personal experience, but to see if anyone has an opinion as to how I can use it as a learning experience because I don’t really understand it at all.
Don Juan Matus taught Carlos Castaneda about something called "Stopping the world", in which the illusion of the physical universe disappears. I did this one time, using the technique (also taught by Don Juan), called "listening for the holes between sounds". At a certain point, the entire universe that I perceived, broke up into little balls or bubbles, very tiny, and just disappeared. There was nothing left but the spark of my consciousness. It was, I suppose, similar to the "nothingness" that Zen Buddhists seek.
We project the Universe that we perceive, using what Don Juan called "Intent". The Universe is holographic. Every infinitessimal bit of the Universe contains the plan for the entire universe. We construct the Universe that we perceive, by projecting the Intent of what we wish to perceive, into the "carrier wave". If you cease projecting intent, the Universe disappears.
I enjoyed that state of nothingness for some amount of time; and then I realized that I could reproject the Universe, just by having a thought, because even thought carries Intent. So, I had a thought, and the Universe reassembled itself.
Do not fret about what you experienced. It is just a confirmation that our ordinary notions of 3rd-density time and space are illusiory, and that we indeed project them. Once you realize that you create your own reality, you are free to create the reality you desire!