01-12-2009, 12:35 PM
(01-11-2009, 08:38 AM)ayadew Wrote: Have you ever felt remembrance after reading LOO material?
I recall my first encounter with the LOO and recognizing (my favorite word for the experience, recognize... "to know again") so many things that I'd felt for such a long time but hadn't quite verbalized. Even after dozens of readings, I still recognize new things all the time.
(01-11-2009, 08:38 AM)ayadew Wrote: I wonder if we can attain out full memory in this density? These "visions" of remembrance have increased lately, likely because time is spinning out of control. We live in an interesting time indeeed...
This is not the density of remembering everything. With time, patience and practice, I think we can significantly pierce the veil, but I believe that full knowledge is neither possible or actually desirable. We are shown what we need to see to accompllish our purpose. Enjoy the journey.
Just my thoughts,
3D Sunset