(10-03-2011, 12:57 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:(10-02-2011, 02:14 AM)Conifer16 Wrote: Most of my family lives off the grid using solar panels and huge batteries on over 190 acres of land. So I am pretty much covered if I need to live off the grid for a while. Lol
Sweet! I had a friend who designed a similar setup for a very eccentric lady up in Idaho. Totally off the grid, and using monolithic dome structures which can easily withstand severe earthquakes. Sadly, my friend was also quite the conspiracy theorist and I think all the negativity finally got to him in the form of colon cancer.He didn't want to accept the possibility of a positive future and was convinced that there was still going to be a pole shift and alien invasion, etc.
Conifer16 Wrote:So it is like something is trying to get them off the mountain or send them a message or scare them or something.(no one has been I hurt in these accidents).
In what general area of the continent are you located? I would be more inclined to check for geomagnetic anomalies, fault lines (especially vertical fault lines) and the like. Or perhaps, like you said, something is wanting your family's attention. Know anything about the history of the land?
Conifer16 Wrote:And this land we live on is opperated under a trust which was developed for a much smaller family and this is now causing political tension and has created a split in the family...
Sounds like quite the archetypal situation...
I am currently living with my branch of the family in Oregon. The rest of my family lives in Colorado(in the mountains west of Longmont) except for one guy I have no conscious recollection of who lives in china with his Wife. As to the history of the land, my grandmother believes that it was sacred land for a group of native americans(she hasn't proven it yet because she comes to this belief through intuitive feeling, I believe her because the land feels more silent and sacred then most land I have been on) and found a really old medicine wheel that is gone now and she has marked the spot with a circle of huge(I mean huge!) crystals that her husband uses for meditation(her husband is connected with native Americans, I just don't know how) the reasons I feel as if it is someone as opposed to something that is affecting things is that when there and all alone I get a really really strong feeling of someone watching me and sometimes this would scare me(I haven't been up there in almost three years and not sence I Learned about TLOO, so I think I could probably communicate with whoever it is) also when people that later we would find out had bad pasts or would really be not nice to be around, something would happen and they would leave as fast as possible. Like one man who was not a very nice person he saw a man walk around a boulder and when be went to find the person and talk there was no one there, he later asked my grandmother who the person was and described him, my grandmother showed him a picture and asked if he was the person that you saw and the man answered yes, she then told him that it was her father and he was long dead. The not nice man literally ran(drove)as fast a was safe to get off the mouton and didn't return. So at times it seems a very nice and welcoming presence and then at other times I feel so terrified and icky when in areas of the property. Like I was near the chicken pen we have at a really old building(40/45 years old) broken down and had a few odd objects her and there. Anyway I went into the cabin and was looking around when I got the feeling that I should probably leave, something felt off about the air and when I was walking away I looked back and for the briefest of moments I saw a very very terrifying figure, some kind of old women but covered in blood and just the worst kind of aura( funny though is that I don't notice auras in everyday life). I have considered that there is a being or group of beings who are of a positive polarity and then there is another who like what happened with Y(god dude or whatever) is trying to get us to leave because we feel scared and bad and bad things happen. I would like to think that the original native Americans are the positive group,because I feel great kinship with the native American people.(sometimes I feel nostalgic for a people or situation I have never met or been in) (reincarnation) anyway I have rattled on(I wonder where that phrase comes from?) a bit long and should probably stop

Adonai Vasu Borragus

What archetype? And my grandmother has a steam lodge and tipi(Sp?) again flowing with the native American connection and my great,great,great etc. Grandfather was a doctor who helped out with healing native Americans as they were forced to trek across the U.S and he married the chiefs daughter.(someone should know what trek he was helping with as I don't know) so I am a little native American

Also I used to have listed a whole bunch of likes received and likes given but now it seems to have been restarted. Is there an explanation for this? It isn't a problem i just am curious.