09-22-2011, 10:41 AM
I've always wondered if the make-up of the entity/entities called is determined by an..amalgamation of beliefs (or tendencies) of the circle calling?
Yadda said:
There is something called faith which defeats
all laws. It is not in law but in faith that you are able to concentrate upon
the business at hand. The business at hand is your spiritual development. The
business at hand is seeking. The business at hand is learning. There is not
motivation to learn in the law—you simply follow directions. This is a cookbook
life, the law; take a little of Law Number One, take two tablespoons of Law
Number Two, mix carefully with a batch of Laws Six, Seven and Eight and you will
learn?! No, my friends—you will conform.
There is a law for you and for you
only. But this law is personal, intimate and can only be found as a product of
the faith that there is a truth beyond all that you see and hear. Your path is
your law.That which you deem correct is correct for you. Please do not think
we are encouraging you to go out and manhandle some small child. This would be
breaking the law of man but requires no faith whatsoever. So what requires
faith, my friends? You do.
I've always thought that while we can share ideas and thoughts with each other. The meanings therein are going to be different for all of us as they apply to personal lives. Our path...as it were. But the paragraphs above seem (to me) counterpoint to the Law of One philosophies. Makes me wonder who in the group manifested those thoughts..and brought an entity forward to echo them?
On a basic level then..do channelled entities basically tell us what we want to hear? Or are they composing thier information to fit our path..or Law?