09-20-2009, 09:27 PM
(09-20-2009, 01:35 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Dear GodExpressing,
I think you have a great intuition regarding the shape of the universe and it's functions. I think you're really feeling what's out there. It's a shame that when you combine it with science, and don't do it perfectly accurate, people will judge your mistakes in science, and fail to see the actual message you're sharing.
Ali, thanks for your input. I understand things that I find very difficult to communicate. I am looking for analogies that I hope will get my point across. If they don't work or if they confuse people, I want to know. The main reason I'm sharing this information is to get honest feedback.
I see the physical world as an illusion. The only thing that truly exists is energy and consciousness (the sum total of which I view as God). I do not think God and a radio wave are equal. I shouldn't have mentioned God. I want to use the analogy of a radio as the way we experience our Universe. Waves do not occupy space, they occupy bandwidths of frequency. All the local stations can be picked up by a single antenna anywhere within range of the transmitter. The tuner simply focuses on one of the bandwidths.
I see the physical universe as frequencies that we experience through our human tuners. I am suggesting that maybe there are universes parallel to our own that function on different bandwidths than our own. We are in the midst of them but our tuners don't pick up their frequencies.
I also find it useful to view each of the four elements as a parallel universe. Even if they are not, they at least operate on different bandwidths. You cannot perceive feelings with your ears or eyes. But unlike a radio that only perceives a single bandwidth, we experience all four simultaneously.
I explain it much clearer in the book I am writing. It's hard to explain it in a post. However, I don't want to turn people away from my ideas by using the wrong analogies.
thanks again,