09-20-2009, 05:20 PM
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: Edgar Cayce predicted safe places (he actually set up his hospital in Virginia Beach because he interpreted that to be safe from the coming Earth changes).
Cayce evidently perceived a set of possibilities in the possibility/probability vortex. Many of his predictions did not come to pass, presumably due to shifts in the consensual manifestation. Ra stated that there are no longer any 'safe' zones in the geographical sense, but that our own polarization and personal guidance was our protection.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: If the point of being on Earth at this period in time is to make "the choice" and to graduate, wouldn't that apply to STS as well as STO?
Yes. It is a Harvest of both STS and STO.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: I don't see the people who control the power and wealth as puppets for Orion any more than we are puppets for the Confederation.
STS entities interact with other STS entities in ways that are different from how STO's interact. For those polarized to STS, controlling and being controlled are just a normal part of what it means to be STS. In other words, being a puppet or puppeteer is a hallmark of STS. So you won't find the same dynamic among STO's. Hence, the STS entities may very well be puppets for the Orions, but they are choosing to be, because that is the normal way for an STS entity to be. We aren't puppets for the Confederation because STO does not operate that way.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: I see the greed and abuse as STS people trying to achieve 95% polarity. As we who have chosen STO grow stronger in polarity, we should expect those who have chosen STS to turn up the heat as they also grow stronger.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: What should we do?
Focus on being a beacon of Light/Love to the world...forgive ourselves and other-selves...take action if we feel guided to do so...but don't get caught up in fear of the machinations of STS...they're just doing their thing.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: What comes to my mind is the Ra stating that we were given weak, vulnerable bodies in order to learn to work in unity with each other for survival. We are not meant to be self-sufficient. We are meant to pull together and support one another.
I agree. Perhaps that's why I personally don't feel inclined to head for the hills. I would not presume to judge whether that might not be appropriate for someone else, though.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: If we truly came here to experience this transition, why run from it? Do we really want to hide somewhere and then come out after it is safe? Why not be in the thick of things where we can be an island of calm for others caught in the storm?
What a beautiful idea!
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: I have learned that as we grow in awareness our lives become more difficult.
I'm not sure I'd say 'more difficult' though they certainly can be...I think I would describe it as 'more intense' in both difficulty and blissful resolution/understanding.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: Living in darkness and going with the flow is easy. Living in the light and going against the flow of 3D reality is far more difficult.
How about living in the light of 4D and allowing 3D to just flow all around us? Hmmm...easier said than done!
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: However, I have found that awareness takes away much of the fear, and that takes away much of the pain.
Yes, we are very blessed to have this awareness! I would much rather have this understanding than be oblivious. But, as Carla once said to me, there is an abundance of information available to all right now, via the media, internet, etc.. So those who would choose this awareness will surely find it.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: If everything hits the fan, many will be in a state of panic. I believe they will need what we have to offer.
(09-20-2009, 09:15 AM)godexpressing Wrote: We are fast approaching the most significant changes humanity has ever experienced. We are so fortunate to be here at this time. I want a front row seat and I'm not leaving until after the final encore!
I agree! What an exciting time this is! Sometimes I just feel in awe of what's happening.