09-20-2009, 12:12 AM
Regarding Parallel universes:
Physicists seem to agree that there are probably other, if not an infinite number of universes parallel to our own. Still, they struggle to define the nature of these universes. Many assume they would be different versions of our own. Some even suggest that whenever we make a choice in this universe, we make the opposite choice in another.
I see the universe as conscious energy and I would compare the multiverse to radio waves. How can God be everywhere at the same time? I respond: How can my favorite radio station be everywhere at the same time? In fact, how can all the radio stations be everywhere at the same time? If they were physical objects, it would not seem possible. But radio signals are waves vibrating at different frequencies. These waves carry encoded information that our tuners convert to music or talking. I view the different radio stations as parallel universes. All occupy the same space but vibrate in different ranges of frequency.
That is how I conceive the scientific notion of parallel universes. They can be truly parallel, actually sharing the same space. The difference between them is one of bandwidth (frequency). Our bodies are like radio tuners that can pick up the bandwidth of our own universe. The others are all here, but outside the range of our tuners.
Consider that the ancients taught that earth, water, air and fire are the elements making up our world. I have come to view these four "elements" as four parallel universes that we experience simultaneously. Each is in a different bandwidth and is experienced by different means:
The earth universe is the bandwidth we experience through our senses.
The water universe is the bandwidth we experience as feelings or emotions.
The air universe is the bandwith of the mental plane (rational thought).
The fire universe is the bandwidth of insight and intuition.
Astrology is based upon 12 combinations of the four elements and three modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable). When I interpret a horoscope symbol, I always explain it in terms of the universe it occupies. For example, a water event will be an emotional experience, not a physical one.
Physicists seem to agree that there are probably other, if not an infinite number of universes parallel to our own. Still, they struggle to define the nature of these universes. Many assume they would be different versions of our own. Some even suggest that whenever we make a choice in this universe, we make the opposite choice in another.
I see the universe as conscious energy and I would compare the multiverse to radio waves. How can God be everywhere at the same time? I respond: How can my favorite radio station be everywhere at the same time? In fact, how can all the radio stations be everywhere at the same time? If they were physical objects, it would not seem possible. But radio signals are waves vibrating at different frequencies. These waves carry encoded information that our tuners convert to music or talking. I view the different radio stations as parallel universes. All occupy the same space but vibrate in different ranges of frequency.
That is how I conceive the scientific notion of parallel universes. They can be truly parallel, actually sharing the same space. The difference between them is one of bandwidth (frequency). Our bodies are like radio tuners that can pick up the bandwidth of our own universe. The others are all here, but outside the range of our tuners.
Consider that the ancients taught that earth, water, air and fire are the elements making up our world. I have come to view these four "elements" as four parallel universes that we experience simultaneously. Each is in a different bandwidth and is experienced by different means:
The earth universe is the bandwidth we experience through our senses.
The water universe is the bandwidth we experience as feelings or emotions.
The air universe is the bandwith of the mental plane (rational thought).
The fire universe is the bandwidth of insight and intuition.
Astrology is based upon 12 combinations of the four elements and three modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable). When I interpret a horoscope symbol, I always explain it in terms of the universe it occupies. For example, a water event will be an emotional experience, not a physical one.