09-17-2009, 01:49 PM
(09-16-2009, 10:26 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Granted, I have not yet seen the movie, but based on the trailer, I think it is a classic example of STS fearmongering. The trailer doesn't show much in the way of redeeming value!
They're all just possibilities in the possibility/probability vortex, after all. And I tend to disregard those that are fear-based.
Hi Monica,
I think you may be overlooking the benefits of fear as a catalyst to wake people up. I know one of my reasons for rekindling my spiritual path that eventually led me here was a feeling that 9/11 was like a bell striking three quarters of an hour before midnight. It got me thinking and feeling and following my intuition once again. It was that re-awakening that ultimately lead me to this site and my deeper understanding of life, the universe and everything that has come with it.
So will this movie create fear in some people? Yes, but only in those to whom the message resonates. In short, those that still have a chance to polarize sufficiently to be harvestable, if they can first just wake up. For those to whom it doesn't resonate, this is just another disaster flick. The nice thing about a movie as a catalyst (as opposed to, say a terrorist attack or a war in the Middle East) is that no one really has to die.
Will the movie create some fear to help feed those STS souls that thrive on it along the way? Probably. But if it help just one more person wake up and be harvested, then it was well worth it, right?
Just like in physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing in this world is purely STO or STS, the net effect of any action is always waves of both that bounce back and forth and off each other as they interact with the complex web of energy we call this planet and its inhabitants. Overall, I think it looks like a fun action flick. I'll go see it, and then take advantage for the opportunities it will lend me to talk about 2012 and other end-time traditions with some of my family and friends that approach me about it. Overall though, I don't see this movie as a particularly efficient means of either creating catalyst or fear-mongering, but hey I'm willing to give it a try.
Love and Light and surfing jet-liners,
3D Sunset