(09-12-2011, 04:27 PM)Namaste Wrote: One thing to note - when you make a decision, it's not either or, it's and; a balance.
You can make a decision to offer a homeless person money, with a small part of you feeling that it's also beneficial for you. For example, 70% STO and 30% STS.
To be honest, the way I felt it is that actually all STS acts and aspects of acts are to be fully suppressed. There's literally no room for the ego in the STO state. The thing is that, if you are to persist the STO state, the must set of self services is so demanding and consuming, that you can't actually think of providing your self even a bit of an extra service than the minimum possible at the time. Not even at a partial percentage, as you suggest. You just have to keep looking for chances of offering and providing services and that's extreme.
If you can just think on the concept that it's about equally difficult to be in STS state as it is to be in STO state. We speak of extremes here. Luckily, I have never felt the STS state myself, though I definitely trust the validity of this concept LOL .