09-14-2011, 02:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-21-2011, 01:26 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(I've had enough of TN's ramblings and mumbo-jumbo. Please take me to "THE POINT" already!)
UPDATE! We now have embedded multimedia, and a fascinating clip to boot. Grab some popcorn and scroll on in as things get curiouser and curiouser...
(09-14-2011, 03:01 AM)Ankh Wrote: I am trying to separate other distortions here from what has actually been said during the Ra sessions.
Precisely. I am grateful that we share this same intention.
Ankh Wrote:Again, issues regarding Armageddon are coming from other sources than the latest Ra contact made in 1981, which is recorded and published word by word.
Ra mentions "Armageddon" precisely once:
24.3 Wrote:Questioner: Thank you. Then I assume that the Confederation stayed away from Earth for a period of time. What condition created the next contact that the Confederation made?
Ra: I am Ra. In approximately 3,600 of your years in the past, as you measure time, there was an influx of those of the Orion group, as you call them. Due to the increasing negative influences upon thinking and acting distortions, they were able to begin working with those whose impression from olden times, as you may say, was that they were special and different.
An entity of the Confederation, many, many thousands of your years in the past, the one you may call “Yahweh,” had, by genetic cloning, set up these particular biases among these peoples who had come gradually to dwell in the vicinity of Egypt, as well as in many, many other places, by dispersion after the down-sinking of the land mass Mu. Here the Orion group found fertile soil in which to plant the seeds of negativity, these seeds, as always, being those of the elite, the different, those who manipulate or enslave others.
The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities. However, the Orion group had been able to impress upon the peoples the name Yahweh as the one responsible for this elitism. Yahweh then was able to take what you would call stock of its vibratory patterns and became, in effect, a more eloquently effective sound vibration complex.
In this complex the old Yahweh, now unnamed, but meaning “He comes,” began to send positively oriented philosophy. This was approximately, in your past, of 3,300 years. Thus, the intense portion of what has become known as Armageddon was joined.
However, this is not the first time that "Armageddon" appears in the transcripts. It first appears in 13 June 76, in a transcript where Don speaks with Hatonn about, not only Armageddon, but harvest, and mass landing:
Quote:Don: How soon will the mass landing occur?We also see that "Armageddon" is mentioned in the introduction to Book V, specifically in Fragment 13:
We had hoped at one time to land in 1965. We had to give this plan up, due to the reluctance of many of your peoples to experience the possibility of our true mission. At this time, we are seeing the possibility of a landing next year. We are attempting to give this instrument the month. It begins with “A.” We cannot give a closer month to this instrument at this time. If she will relax we will attempt to condition her.
We will attempt a landing in August of 1977, as you know time.
Questioner: How many craft?
Approximately three million, although this is highly dependent on the success of our current mission. At present, many portions of your planet are not acceptable for landing. We are attempting at this time to widen our potential landings.
Questioner: What is your mission and purpose in landing?
I will have to use control. We have need of material within your atmosphere which enables us to store up, as it were, a power source. It is not in mineral form or any resource which your planet is lacking in abundance. We are unable to give this instrument the nature of the resource desired because she is not well-schooled in …
Questioner: Is it a gas or a liquid or a solid?
It is invisible.
Questioner: Is it in the Earth, in the water or in the atmosphere around the Earth?
It is atmospheric. We cannot say it is a gas. It is … this instrument would call it an element.
Questioner: Will your landing be visible or invisible?
It depends upon who you are. Those who are within our vibration will see us.
Questioner: Approximately what percentage of the planet will be able to see you?
We do not know. As you would say, we are working on it. There is a range of one third of your planet’s population, a great, great range, which we are working on at this time. Approximately one third of your planet’s peoples are at this time vibrating in such a way that they know who we are, whence we come and why we are here. They will, whether or not our mission succeeds, not only see us but go with the planet into the next vibration. We are deeply afraid that approximately one third of your planet’s peoples, no matter what we do, will be lost and will have to repeat this experience. We do not know what percentage of that other third we will be able to alert in time. It is a highly tempestuous bunch of people, as you would say. Many of them are simply on the verge, just the merest shock or profound experience away from the basic realization that it is time for them to become seekers.
It is written that there will be those who go out into the harvest and it is highly, highly desirable at this time that there be as many harvesters as possible, for there are many that can be brought into the barn, as it were, at this time.
Questioner: What will be the length of time in our years of the harvesting period?
We do not have the ability to say, for it is completely dependent upon the consciousness of your peoples. That which is natural, as you may call it, is already highly advanced and nearly completed within the cycle-changing. The natural cycle will have been completed within two of your decades. The experience of your peoples has been very ragged, as you well know, and with the friction of those of your peoples who are resisting the vibration of change it may continue on for some time. Therefore, we can give you no answer.
Questioner: Do you see a possible delay past the approximate date of next August, 1977? Could there be a delay for any reason?
Oh, yes. We are at this time doubtful as to whether we will be able to complete our plan at this near date. We are simply working towards that with every thought of achieving it. But we would not be realistic if we did not say that there is every chance also that we will not be able to sway enough of your peoples by that date.
M: Do you have an optional date if that one doesn’t work out?
We have an infinite number of optional dates. We cannot land among your peoples if your peoples do not want us. We do have needs which your planet can help us with but we are also capable of supplying those needs in other ways. That which we need is available, though in far smaller quantities, in many different places. So we are never in a helpless position, or as you would call it, out of gas. We are always able to satisfy the present requirements of our dwelling-craft.
(Side one of tape ends.)
(While the tape was being changed, there was a question about Bigfoot.)
(Carla channeling)
… There is a contact but it is not our contact.
Don: Whose contact is it?
There has been much talk about “dark forces.” And yet there are dark forces. Contact with these creatures is of a somewhat, shall we say, sinister nature although it is to be remembered that, like all dark forces, these are not powerful in an ultimate sense.
Questioner: Would this be interpreted classically as a portion of the Battle of Armageddon?
Although we dislike that term, you may indeed think of darkness and light in a battle. We refrain from calling it the Battle of Armageddon due to the great fear which this term engenders, for it is a fearful story as it is written in your holy works.
Yet the forces of light and the forces of darkness have battled long and hard for this planet and, indeed, you may think of a disease entering the body. Those defenders of the body come, surrounding and destroying those diseases. In such a way may you consider those apparitions which are of the darkness, for the forces of light are many times the strength of these. And the battle is never in doubt as to its ultimate end but only as to individual, shall we say, skirmishes.
Questioner: What is the nature of the Bigfoot type of creature?
We are having difficulty giving the concept to this instrument. We can give this instrument only the image of those things which are of light but have no substance. We do not call it astral because of the nature of these beings. They are of a more crystallized nature, whereas in the astral there is a partaking of a somewhat physical form of dense matter. Within this vibration from which these creatures emerge, the structure that makes up the body is of such a nature that it is far more light and in a way more fragile.
Questioner: Can we expect an increase in the Bigfoot type of entity and possibly other entities of the same vibration or configuration in the future?
Yes. That which produces these creatures is the expectation in thought form of various peoples. That which they consider to be a menacing or frightening aspect is what they will see, if the conditions are correct. Therefore, there will be other entities, depending upon the expectation that each person has.
Questioner: Am I correct in assuming, then, the effects that are normally found when one is operating in, shall we say, astral conditions will be more manifest on this planet in what we now call the physical as the vibrational range changes? We will slowly transition?
In general you are correct, but in fact this particular aspect of what you call the Battle of Armageddon does not partake of the normal astral abilities of each of your peoples, for within the abilities which are part of the normal transition to what you would call fourth density, each person would be able to control the thought forms that were desired by himself. Yet within these, as you call it, Bigfoot and other demonstration of thought form, these thought forms are involuntarily forced upon those who are witnessing it. This is due to the imbalance between the natural environment and the minds of your peoples, making it a potential battleground for the forces of darkness.
Questioner: Where do the UFOs come from that are linked with the Bigfoot phenomenon?
You are already correct in your assumptions. We are not able to give [to] this instrument, because she doubts what we have to say, due to the fact that she has heard it from you. Yet you are correct.
Questioner: Is the instrument fatigued?
I will leave this instrument, who is indeed fatigued. We are sorry for the amount of control we have had to use, yet we are very pleased to be able to answer your questions as best we can. I leave you in His love and His light. Never fear, my friends, for those who seek will never be left without the Comforter. Adonai vasu. I am Hatonn.
Quote:Fragment 13
The following information refers to two of the most widely rumored events in Ufology in this country. The first refers to the supposed face-to-face meeting between extraterrestrials and then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and some senior military staff at Edwards Air Force Base in California in February, 1954. The second incident refers to the supposed crash of a UFO outside of Roswell, NM, in which the ufonauts on board supposedly died. It is further rumored that their bodies were stored in Hangar #18 at Wright Patterson Air Base in Ohio. Once again we encountered the temptation to pursue information that seemed on the surface to be extremely interesting but which in truth would yield little or no information which might aid in the evolution of mind, body, or spirit. And we would have lost the Ra contact because Ra’s “narrow band contact” was focused only on aiding our evolution and not on revealing the transient intricacies of how groups play games in this illusion.
In 1962, when I joined with Donald to help make up the initial meditation group which grew into L/L Research, there were several rumors being bruited about. Supposedly, the government knew all about UFOs, had had contact There were alleged conspiracies that various sources warned the public about. To this day, there has continued a steady stream of such prophecies and doomsday warnings of all kinds. Only the dates of Armageddon have changed, usually predicting doom within the next two or three years.
It is not that I do not think UFOs are communicating with our government. They might be. Certainly they are here; the landing trace cases alone prove that something that makes dents In the ground is visiting us, and the many witnesses and abductees create a comprehensive picture of human-alien contact that is undeniable. It is that I feel that the real treasure the UFO entities have brought us are those of the spirit, not those of this world Whatever the physical reality of UFOs and governmental doings, they remain part of the transient world picture: part of this heavy illusion. But the messages have a metaphysical content that 10,000 years would not make out of date or less meaningful. So I tend to respond to people’s questions about such highjinks as these with a redirection, back from phenomena to metaphysical truth.
RA, Session #24, February 15, 1981, pg. 7-8
QUESTIONER: One thing that has been bothering me that I was just reading about is not too important, but I would really be interested in knowing if Dwight Eisenhower met with either the Confederation or the Orion group in the 1 950s?
RA: I am Ra. The one of which you speak met with thought-forms which are indistinguishable from third density. This was a test. We, the Confederation, wished to see what would occur if this extremely positively oriented and simple congenial person with no significant distortion towards power happened across peaceful information and the possibilities which might append therefrom. We discovered that this entity did not feel that those under his care could deal with the concepts of other beings and other philosophies. Thus an agreement reached then allowed him to go his way, ourselves to do likewise; and a very quiet campaign, as we have heard you call it, be continued alerting your peoples to our presence gradually. Events have overtaken this plan. Is there any short query before we close?
QUESTIONER: Another question with that is: was there a crashed spaceship with small bodies now stored in our military installations?
RA: I am Ra. We do not wish to infringe upon your future. Gave we you this information, we might be giving you more than you could appropriately deal with in the space/time nexus of your present somewhat muddled configuration of military and intelligence thought. Therefore, we shall withhold this information.
Ra specifically refuses to address this question. And Q'uo even brings it up here:
Q'uo Wrote:You could say indeed that 2007 was the year of shift and you could be right. You could have also been right in 1962 when this instrument first became aware of a channeled group that predicted Armageddon and the need to get to safe places, and every year since then.Carla even refers to "Armageddon" twice in 2008. Once during a channeling intensive when talking about negative contacts, and once during her speech at the Laughlin UFO Conference. She made some similar remarks at the 2002 conference: Again, if you read these full transcripts they all cover the same topics, challenging the entity in the name of Christ, negative greeting, etc:
Quote:Carla: I’ve never channeled a negative entity. I’ve always been careful enough to avoid that. But as I understand it, the experience of channeling positive and negative entities is the same. They used to say that they come in on the same energy, when I’ve questioned before about how people get fooled. I’ve seen several really good sources through the years become tainted, and then become basically, as far as I’m concerned, discredited. They start out extremely positive and then because of people asking fear-based questions, they get more and more fear-based answers, and specific answers having to do with doom and gloom and Armageddon.
Quote:Carla: Third-density Earth does not have to have a man-made Armageddon or a natural cataclysm of planetary proportions, according to the Confederation. There will be a third-density wind-down, according to Ra, which will last some hundreds of years. We on third-density Earth will go right on doing our thing after 2012. However, new babies being born on Earth after 2012 will have the ability to run fourth-density energy as well as third-density energy. In fact, this is happening now, with the advent of the so-called Indigo Children.
So, as you can see, these ideas were very firmly rooted in Don's mind, and indeed formed part of the reason why L/L made the decision to redact the Book V material. So much so that Q'uo even referred to it as little as four years ago.I have a feeling these are called "fragments" for a reason- that reason being because they are meant to be put back together. And it is still on Carla's mind as little as three years ago. So that tells me perhaps something isn't yet resolved about it.
So let us review some connections here:
Carla insists on challenging the contact in the name of Jesus Christ.
Don insists on investigating into "earth changes" and disaster scenarios.
Put them together and who do we get??
Hatonn! Who likes to teach/learn about Jesus, and who also was possibly predicting Armageddon to various groups in the 50s and 60s. 1962 was the time that Jim and Don were brought together. Hatonn first attempted a mass landing in 1965. Then again in August 1977. They are still offering to mass land in order to give technologies to "heal the earth" this very day.
Was Hatonn the group that predicted Armageddon in 1962? I am not sure. But if not Hatonn, then who??
I was introduced to the Ra material through finding the works of seeker/entity David Wilcock through his site ascension2000.com. This occurred in 1994/1995, simultaneous with the rather unanticipated emergence of the Internet.
Having previously embarked on a comparative study of religion, esoteric and occult philosophy, along with a concomitant pursuit of mathematics, physics and biology at a prestigious university, I was intensely intrigued by the scope and depths of these works connecting science, philosophy, and spirituality.
This site has since been closed down, though the works are available here:
As you can see, there are a trilogy of works:
The Shift of the Ages
The Science of Oneness
The Divine Cosmos
As you can next see, seeker/entity David Wilcock claimed the Law of One to be the philosophical lynchpin which drove him to deeply seek into the scientific basis of connectedness, or unity. At some point, David made contact with L/L Research, which provided the stimulus for his to write the following:
Quote:The Law of One Study Guide
Don Elkins, Ph.D., Carla Rueckert, Jim McCarty
Quote: Study Guide compiled by Bob Childers, Ph.D. Web formatting, editing and additional compilation by David WilcockDedicated to Carla Rueckert whose joyful service allowed the words of Ra to speak to humanity, despite the nearly fatal tolls and hardships endured by the physical body complex. Ra's words, brought through in 1981, are arguably the ultimate source of accurate ET information to have emerged in modern history. This study guide gives a wonderful overview of the main philosophies, concepts and practices of the Law of One, predominantly through excerpts. Let's put it this way -- this is the ONLY work that has attempted to summarize Ra's worldview in one streamlined form. It is invaluable to all seekers of Truth, Wisdom and Compassion.
David shares his own wanderer awakening story here:
Quote:Wanderer Awakening: (online book)
The Life Story of David Wilcock
From the book:
In the boundless depths of the Creation, I have found my home, a place to serve the One and come to a greater understanding of myself. From this watery planet at the far rim of the galaxy, I heard the cries of millions and millions of entities, living in fear and trepidation that they might never be free. I knew exactly what their cries meant, and could feel their pain as if it were my own. On their astral level, or what they might call "subconscious," they were quite well aware of the pressing crisis of their disconnection with their Source, the Light and Love of the One Infinite Creator. Yet on the conscious level, that of the waking Ego of their three-dimensional minds, they had forgotten. Indeed, there was so much for them to remember, so much that they were not seeing. At that moment, hearing those cries and feeling their pain, I vowed to take immediate action. Could I simply allow this to go on? To see these beings suffering, without them even knowing consciously what they were suffering from?
Read the story where the two and a half hour musical came from!
Quote:On 01 April 03, a longtime friend and roommate succumbed to- what I perceive to be- a negative attack which resulted in a paranoid schizophrenic breakdown. The focus of this breakdown involved a delusion that I and a small group of friends were conspiring to have him committed to a mental institution. Also note that, over the years I had shared many ideas from the Ra material with my friend, including the concept of negative entity attacks. My friend- as far as I am aware- never took it upon himself to read the material.To my friend who was involved in "THE INCIDENT":
This breakdown persisted past three days time, at which I took steps to remove the entity/friend from my home. Concurrently with this event another person close in my life at the time had suddenly departed from this plane, and I had recently discontinued relations with a girlfriend. Although the relationship was not going anywhere, I had some few days prior been moved to make a sudden, and somewhat unexpected, break thus forfeiting what level of external support she could have offered.
This is to say: there was a lot going on at once.
I felt as if I was being overwhelmed upon all sides. Despite the insistence of the entity/friend that it was -I- who was spearheading this conspiracy- even going to ends as to suggest that I fabricated the death of the acquaintance- it appeared to me that this entity/friend was making a direct attack on me having carefully observed and calculating the precise moment when I might be at my weakest.
This was exquisitely disturbing.
Fearing for my own life and sanity, I contacted the family of the friend whose body I suspected was being hijacked by a negative entity- possibly of fifth density origin. However, this being a rather unusual concept- I did not voice these suspicions during the actual "Intervention" for additional fear of being called crazy myself. He finally removed himself from the situation, though I was left to take steps to officially evict him from my own home.
I am sorry for contributing to your suffering;
Please forgive me for I knew not what I did;
I love you as an immensely valuable part of creation.
Thank you for offering me this opportunity for forgiveness.
Being a student of the Law of One, I pondered deeply upon my knowledge of negative entities and wondered if such a 5D attack had just occurred. I pondered the below excerpt:
Quote:Epilogue to Book V: (Jim McCarty) After we moved back to Louisville the mental/emotional dysfunction which Ra spoke of concerning Don occurred. Don was noted all his life for being very cool and extremely wise, emotionally unmoved by events which caused others to fall apart. His observations and advice always proved to be correct. Now, as this dysfunction worsened, Don saw himself intensely affected by even the smallest stimuli. His worrying deepened to depression and he sought healing counsel from every available source, yet nothing worked, and he resigned himself to a death which he saw quickly approaching.
After seven months of this mental, emotional, and physical deterioration he became unable to sleep or to eat solid foods. By November he had lost one-third of his body weight and was experiencing intense pain. He refused further hospitalization which we saw as the last hope for his survival. The thought of having him put into the hospital against his will was abhorrent to us, but we decided to do it and to hope for a miracle, knowing of no other possible way to save Don’s life at that point.
When the police came to serve the warrant a five and one-half hour standoff resulted. Don was convinced his death was imminent, and he did not want to die in a mental hospital. When tear gas was used to bring Don out of the house, he walked out of the back door and shot himself once through the brain. He died instantly.
After his death Carla saw him three times in waking visions, and he assured us that all was well and that all had occurred appropriately—even if it made no sense at all to us.
So we give praise and thanksgiving for Don’s life, for his death, and for our work together.
Following these two deeply disturbing experiences, I pondered deeply upon the possibility that they were somehow connected.
In my seeking, I also chose to contact David Wilcock for a personal reading. At the time he was publicly offering to channel Ra for a modest fee. I had two personal readings with Ra through seeker/entity David Wilcock. The first on 16 Oct 03 and the second on 06 Aug 04.
In between these two readings, David Wilcock published a book in which he claimed to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce:
Amazon.com Wrote:The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation by Wynn Free and David Wilcock (Paperback - Mar 11, 2004)
Buy new: $18.95 $12.63
27 new from $10.99 39 used from $7.54
Get it by Thursday, Sep 15 if you order in the next 1 hour and choose one-day shipping.
Not too long after the second reading, I had another deeply troubling experience:
Still here? :-)
This next part is more than a little bizarre. Not too long ago, I made a google search for "don elkins suicide" and turned up this page where the claim is made that seeker/entity actually did NOT live previously as Edgar Cayce, but as Rasputin: (NOTE: I am not aware at this nexus if the time span of these two lives overlapped)
David Wilcock believes he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, but the Akashic Records tell a very different story.
We are told that Wilcock's own guides confirm his beliefs.
Why must we believe that invisible entities without physical bodies possess higher knowledge and wisdom than us?
Where is the logic or wisdom in that?
Can we admit that our egos might distort psychic information?
It is very easy to get psychic impressions and communicate with invisible entities. The error is taking anything on faith without THOROUGH investigation.
At the end of the page, a quote is provided from a Wikipedia entry on Ra. Under this heading:
Quote:Ra - Ra - Rasputin - The Demonic Channeled Messages of Ra(Channeled Non-Sense)
However, this particular Wikipedia entry has since been deleted:
May I draw special attention to the interaction between NuclearWarfare and Logos5557 below.
WikiTalk Wrote:If you are creating a new page with different content, please continue. If you are recreating a page similar to the previously deleted page, or are unsure, please first contact the deleting administrator using the information provided below.
- 20:51, 27 August 2009 NuclearWarfare ([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:NuclearWarfare]talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:Ra (channeled entity)" (Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Ra (channeled entity) (2nd nomination))
- 14:08, 23 August 2009 Logos5557 (talk | contribs) moved Talk:Ra (channeled entity) to User talk:Logos5557/Ra (channeled entity) (the possible solution to save the article from an ongoing deletion discussion is to userfication)
Also note, a short time later user Logos5557 was removed from Wikipedia:
Quote:A page with this title has previously been deleted.
If you are creating a new page with different content, please continue. If you are recreating a page similar to the previously deleted page, or are unsure, please first contact the deleting administrator using the information provided below.
- 21:54, 10 September 2009 Harej (talk | contribs) deleted "User talk:Logos5557/Ra (channeled entity)" (talk page of deleted user space page)
Now let us go back to the past life reader's page in question. Here is the quote he offered, ostensibly from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia (as posted on the website) Wrote:Ra is the name of an extraterrestrial group of supernatural entities purportedly contacted by Don Elkins, Carla L. Rueckert and James Allen McCarty, who formed the non-profit organisation L/L Research . In three years, beginning from 15 January 1981 till 15 March 1984 106 contact sessions were recorded. These sessions became the material of The Law of One books published through various different publishers.
According to The Law of One, throughout the sessions, Carla Rueckert performed as deep trance medium (or channel), Don Elkins asked the questions and James McCarty meditated and flipped the recording tapes over as they finish each side. They applied specially constructed rituals and spells purported to be instructed by Ra, before each session.
The purported communication depict an infinite universe where the core element is vibration. With the provision of "primal distortions" (Free will, Love, Light) logoi ("individualized portions of intelligent infinity", "creative principles of galaxies") create "guidelines", "potentials of experience", an octave-based structure (7 levels/bands) (which is composed of physical and incorporeal parts), and sub-logoi (stars). Sub-logoi further create (with further interpretation without removing or adding to guidelines) fertile "conditions" from which sub-sub-logoi (beings) emerge and undergo mental, physical and spiritual evolutions through reincarnation (each incarnation being intended to be a course in the Creator knowing Itself), and "journey" along the spectrum (octave-based structure) which may take billions of years.
Ra entities identify themselves as a group from 6th band and describe their physical nature as being "made of light" in the channeled text. Their aim in communicating is to "service" humans, which they define as 3rd band beings, without infringing on free will.
Don Elkins formed L/L Research with Carla Rueckert in 1970. In 1974, Carla Rueckert began chanelling and L/L Research published the resulting material. James McCarty joined the group in 1980, after beginning to attend their group meditations in 1978.
In 15 January 1981, during one of the channeling sessions, Rueckert went into a deep trance state and "contact" with Ra entities began. Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty continued to hold sessions in order to contact with these entities until the suicide of Elkins in 7 November 1984 (he died of a gunshot wound to his head). Those sessions were published in a series of five books, collectively titled The Law of One (by a humble messenger Ra).
Preceding sessions, Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty did things like singing, meditating etc. that would trigger positive feelings, harmony and make them align with the aim of the study. Then they performed their ritual of protection and cleansing of the room in which the contact would be made, and situated Rueckert in a prone position on the bed with the head pointed 20 degrees north-by-northeast (the north mentioned here is probably the magnetic north which compasses point), covering her body with a white blanket, her eyes with a white cloth, and hooked up the three tape recorder microphones just below her chin not to miss any of the session if one or two tape recorders would malfunction. As Rueckert mentally recited the Prayer of St. Francis, Elkins aligned the table which held the Bible ("the book most closely aligned with the instrument’s mental distortions, which are allied most closely with the Law of One"), candle, incense, and chalice of water in a straight line with her head, as recommended by Ra. After lighting the candle and incense, Elkins and McCarthy walked the Circle of One around Rueckert and repeated the words that started each contact. In second half of three years span they began to perform Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram additionally.
According to the text, during sessions, Rueckert departed her "physical body" (remaining connected via silver cord) and a member of Ra used it remotely as an instrument to communicate. The channelling sessions took a question and answer style. The questions asked were on a wide range of subjects and events such as; "great monuments of antiquity", present and earlier civilizations of mankind, Maldek, Mars, Mu, Atlantis, bigfoot, karma, other beings and civilizations in the universe, the nature of evolution, energy centers of the body, kundalini, "sexual energy transfers", the physics of Dewey B. Larson, Nikola Tesla, influential figures in human history, ritual magic, white magic, the nature and function of the higher self, healing, reincarnation, meditation, psychic prophecy, "psychic attacks/greetings", thought-forms, cattle mutilations, "archetypical mind", Tarot, the "veil of forgetting", Eisenhower's meeting with extraterrestrials in 1954, UFO/government conspiracies, anger, balancing, Aleister Crowley, the Tunguska event, pre-incarnative choices, the ball lightning phenomenon.
Not all questions were answered by Ra, in order not to infringe upon free will (of contactees or audience in general). Some information that is falsifiable or verifiable in nature were kept (such as the present location of the ark of the covenant, the records purportedly hidden inside the sphinx etc.).
According the transcripts of the channeling sessions (published as the Law of One books), Ra underwent a human-like evolution on the planet Venus 2.6 billion years ago. Their "third-density" (human-like) experience on Venus is stated as had been dealt far more deeply and harmoniously with relationships with "other-selves", "sexual energy transfer" work, and philosophical or metaphysical research. They had not developed "the interrelationships of barter or money system and power". Tarot was devised and used as a training aid in the study of archetypical mind by them as the product of many generations of work. After their "graduation" from "third-density" they continued to evolve through again "space/time" (incarnate) - "time/space" (disincarnate) cycles.
"The question does not demand a long answer, for we who experienced the vibratory densities upon that planetary sphere which you call Venus were fortunate in being able to move in harmony with the planetary vibrations with an harmonious graduation to second, to third, and to fourth, and a greatly accelerated fourth-density experience. We spent much space/time, if you will, in fifth-density balancing the intense compassion we had gained in fourth-density. The graduation again was harmonious and our social memory complex which had become most firmly cemented in fourth-density remained of a very strong and helpful nature. Our sixth-density work was also accelerated because of the harmony of our social memory complex so that we were able to set out as members of the Confederation to even more swiftly approach graduation to seventh-density. Our harmony, however, has been a grievous source of naiveté as regards working with your planet."
Ra identify themselves as "positively oriented sixth-density" beings existing as a "social memory complex". According to Ra, they "joyfully seek" the balances between compassion and wisdom to come closer to the unity with the One Creator (intelligent infinity). They are not able to describe the densities higher than the "third-density", extensively in the channeled text, due to the limitations of the language. They state "much is lost in transmission of concept from density to density". One of the statements they make on their nature is; "rather than surrounding ourselves in light we have become light, our understanding is that there is no other material except light".
In reply to the relevant questions Ra explains a kind of "call" as the reason for channeling, and speak about similar experiences they had gone through. The civilization that helped Ra using the pyramid shape while Ra were in "third-density", had begun their "travel back to the Creator" and are no longer experiencing time. As a result of their orientation and choices Ra entities moved where they were "called to service" throughout their "sixth-density" history; including Alpha Centauri, planets of the Solar System, Cepheus and Zeta Reticuli. With the consent of a council located in Saturn they made several contacts (both short and long) with earthlings in the past. They built the Egyptian pyramids as instruments for healing and initiation.
Ra recommend one to question the polarity of such channelings and contacts. According to the text, if "contactees" are oriented toward "service to others", "negatively oriented" entities, which they might contact without intention, imitate "positive" philosophy, try to trick and enslave, and give false information and messages of doom. Ra add that it is entirely possible for the untuned channel to receive both positive and negative communications. Bases of those from elsewhere, both positive (Confederation) and negative, where equipment for automated communication with earthlings "requesting the same basic information in enormous repetition" are placed, are also mentioned as located in some "honey-comb" like areas of the sphere.
According to the channeled text, "service to self" polarity emerged due to the free will extension choice made by late sub-logoi (stars). Early sub-logoi, close to the centers of galaxies (Logoi), chose "lack of free will foundations" and did not extend free will to sub-sub-logoi (beings) simply because they had not conceived of it. So that the only possible polarity for beings was "service to others" as chosen by sub-logoi. However, since "entities were overwhelmingly aware of the Creator in their selves and divinely happy, and the security was total", "no love was terribly important; no pain terribly frightening; no effort, therefore, was made to serve for love or to benefit from fear". "Third and fourth density cycles were extremely long, entities repeated third density cycles many times over" and "lacked what was considered the crucial ingredient; polarization". "As the evolution progressed outward from the center of the galaxy, the efficiency of free will in intensifying the experience of the Creator by the Creator was discovered". The first tool "devised" by late sub-logoi to extend free will was "placing" (through "experimenting" and "refining" by "evolution") a semipermeable "veil" between conscious ("Matrix of the mind": The Magician) and unconscious ("Potentiator of the mind": The High Priestess) minds of sub-sub-logoi. The number of archetypes increased from 9 ("with many shadows") to 21+1.
Ra emphasize that their knowledge is limited to the current "octave of densities", with portions of "seventh-density" remaining mysterious although it has been described to them by their teachers. They assume an infinite number of octaves, an infinite cyclical progression, and a "mystery-clad unity of creation" in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins.
According to the fragments omitted from first four books, in the first session, Ra tried to communicate through other people, who claimed Ra was communicating through them. David Wilcock, who believes he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, is the only known purported medium claiming to have channeled Ra entities. Contrary to Rueckert, he claims he does not need to go into any trance for channelling Ra.
Coming upon the material above quoted was quite shocking, and I took immediate measures to deeply investigate this individual's claims with respect to David Wilcock, L/L Research, and the Akashic Records.
Firstly, I viewed two documentaries on Netflix on the entity Rasputin. I observed that the entity Rasputin activated many similar archetypes as the entity David Wilcock. I would recommend the seeker to watch these documentaries with a special eye on how a "6D negative" entity might operate in this reality.
Secondly, I more deeply investigated with renewed vigor evidence that I had uncovered regarding a past life that I may have lived. This uncovered even more evidence to the point where it was beyond denial, in my opinion at the time. Curiously- this individual lived during the same time period as Rasputin- and in close enough circles that it is possible they had been somewhat acquainted.
Armed with this light and seeking with love for the truth of the matter, I contacted this individual by email and requested that he perform an introductory reading on myself- with specific focus on the late 19th century. He asked for some pictures of myself and my family. I offered some of my own pictures, but declined to offer any of my family members. He said this might reduce the accuracy with which he would be able to read the Akashic records. I agreed to moving forward with the introductory reading with understanding as to the caveat.
This individual provided a single photo of an entity within the English nobility of the time, with no additional information. Performing a reverse image search yielded the entity in question. Though this entity appears to have shared some similarities with myself, and was indeed connected to the entity I perceived to be my own past life, it was an incorrect identification.
Based upon my careful assessment, I was unable to draw any sound conclusions about the abilities or sincerity of this individual. Thusly, while intensely curious, this analysis at present is relegated to the sinkhole of indifference.
I did come across this video on YouTube. I did not previously know that this individual had previously posted a public video about Barack Obama being the reincarnation of Akhenaten?! What? This is getting too bizarre. Seekers: please go back and review my comments about Akhenaten, and specifically review the confusion that ensued around this point previously in the thread. Now please watch this video.
[tape gets flipped]
I also noticed specifically this from the deleted Wikipedia entry: Quote:Don Elkins asked the questions and James McCarty meditated and flipped the recording tapes over as they finish each side.Looking back, it appears that this sentence is what originally clued me in to noticing the [tape gets flipped] entry in session one on www.lawofone.info. This has since been corrected to [background noise].
After reading this web page claiming Ra to be a demonic entity is when I went back to re-read the transcripts from the beginning. As I previously documented, my mind paused when I reached that part.
Firstly, because it actually wasn't in the original PDF, but appeared on www.lawofone.info by an innocent error. Secondly, I thought it strange that the tape needed to be flipped so early in the session. Thirdly, this is when I went and read the surrounding material very deeply and noticed the phenomenon documented toward the bottom of this post with respect to "earth changes" and "harvest".
Thread: More Positive but Less Harvestable
Post: RE: More Positive but Less Harvestable
Here it is right here in Session One. I went back to look and it was staring me right in the face. Quoteoes this form a sufficient amount of information, or could we speak further? Is there anothe...
Tenet Nosce Strictly Law of One 192 5,049 07-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Six days later is when I contacted the individual for the introductory past life reading.
So the question on my mind has been- why did Don have "earth changes" on his mind? Turns out, these were on his mind quite often. Hatonn even teases about this previously when Don is not around. Notice this is almost six months before the Ra contact.
Hatonn Wrote:Very well then, we do not like to deal with this type of information because it is so boring, but we have been asked to deal with the earthquake situation. The one known as Don wishes to know about earthquakes.
Unfortunately, he is not here but if he were, we would say to him that he already knows about earthquakes and has been talking about earthquakes for the last two decades of your time, as you count time. He may have noticed that there have been earthquakes. These are the earthquakes which he has been talking about. He is probably wondering whether there really are going to be more earthquakes. Has he not talked about more earthquakes? Yes, my brother there will be more earthquakes. The scenario is being played out due to the fact that although there has been great improvement in large segments of your population, although love and light has increased to what we would call a great extent in the light centers which we have started and among self-aware people all over your planet, it has not been enough to generate the positive love energy necessary to totally remove the necessity for the expression of disharmony which the Earth must now manifest, and so it will occur.
We are happy to say and this the entity also realizes, although he has not spoken of it to this instrument, that these occurrences will be less harmful than they would have been had the scenario not subtly changed due to the love that has been generated by people such as yourselves.
(Note: In the original printed transcript of November 30, 1980 that was converted to a text file a total of three more pages were attached. However, these same pages appear at the end of the December 7, 1980 transcript and are in context in that transcript to previous questioning about prayer. It is surmised that the last three pages in the November 30 transcript do not belong to that session and that some final pages are missing from it.)
Now as we know, David Wilcock had previous contact with L/L Research. He actually slept in the "Ra bed" and perceived that he and his girlfriend at the time had been later attacked by a 5D entity. This story was later related in 2006, as I also found in a google search for "don elkins suicide". PLEASE NOTE: I was not an active member of the ascension2000.com website during the time referred to in this post. It appears that he made a public announcement about a perceived attack from a 5D entity, which drew some extreme negative attention, including (ostensibly) a death threat:
Quote:11-18-2006 12:52 AM #1 David Wilcock Guest
DW Thanks You...
Dear Group,
It's too early to tell, but I've now had at least four members privately confirm that they've sent Michael letters on my behalf...
The whole thing is so surreal that a part of me just has to laugh. In case some of you thought I was over the top by the things I wrote the other day - you have to be prepared for ANYONE to disappoint you, no matter who they are or how "spiritual" they claim to be... do I look so irrational now?
On the way to the Disclosure Project event on May 10, 2001 - the secret one that was NOT publicly released and went into a lot more detail, particularly with Sgt. Clifford Stone - the brakes on my car spontaneously died in rush-hour DC traffic. I made it by using the transmission to slow or stop. A week later my girlfriend at the time was influenced to step out in front of a 35-mile-an-hour car and almost died, requiring a year's rehabilitation to get a normal life back. Six months later I had an accident with a drinking glass in my hand that lacerated me under the pinky, severing a nerve and leaving me with only partial sensation to this day after reconnection surgery.
Any researcher trying to draw comparisons between my life and those of the Law of One team, be advised... I was the first person to live in Don Elkins' room after he committed suicide, nearly 20 years later. I pick up ALL the energies off of the areas I sleep in whether I want to or not. I slept on the "Ra Bed" that the original Law of One readings were done off of for the first month I was there. All the frozen suicide thoughtforms in Don's room greeted me very strongly - the second or third night I slept in there I had a terrifying dream where gov. spooks shot my head off and I was in my astral body, trying to move my arms to feel if I still had a head. I didn't even take Don's original decorations off the wall and repaint to claim the room as my own until a month into the process.
In previous iterations of this asc2k group, a member who has since left tried to assert that whatever has happened in my life is not even in the same category as the "negative greeting" experienced by the Law of One team - as if they had some mythological 5D thing happening that has never been my problem. I beg to differ. Short of someone actually dying, everything that was written about has happened. Ra said flat-out that the ultimate goal of the negatives for Carla would be to get her to step out into traffic and be hit - and a week after Disclosure Project, my companion at the time DID step out into traffic and WAS hit. She came VERY close to death in the aftermath and it was gripping for the first 4 weeks. I soon ended up with a very violent injury of my own, leaving me with a cast on my arm for months.
Considering what I've lived through, considering the stakes that there are, (none of which were put in the Reincarnation book because it was too depressing, frankly,) I want to again use this opportunity to point out how all it takes is a SLIGHT weakness in someone's mind - the seed of separation- to create a negative greeting.
Ankh Wrote:Would you please direct me to those sessions where "the premature focus on earth changes" are stated?
Thank you for this query. Yes. The session under scrutiny would be Session One of the Law of One (15 Jan 1981). Specifically:
1.6 Wrote:Questioner: (The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.)
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.
That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.
In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.
May we enunciate this law in more detail?
1.7 Wrote:Questioner: No.
Ra: I am Ra. Is there another query at this time?
1.8 Wrote:Questioner: Can you comment on the coming planetary changes in our physical reality?
[Background noise.]
Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait till this instrument had again reached the proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.
The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest.
The Harvest
So what is harvest, anyway? And how does it relate to life in fourth density? Somewhat ironically, the best answer I have found so far was not in the Ra material. Here is some relevant information on harvest from Latwi following Session 83:
[quote]S1: As always, I have a question. What would our life probably be like in the fourth density?
I am Latwii, and, as always, I have an answer. My friend, we assume that your question deals with the everyday details of your fourth-density existence, and not with the physical structures or bodies involved therein, and, my friend, we would very candidly answer you by saying, my friend, your life will be what you make of it. There is no defined society, no cities, no interstates awaiting your arrival. However, as you may have surmised, there will be a great quantity of love and light within the larder so that you will not feel completely abandoned.
May we answer you further, my friend?
S1: Yes, from what I’ve learned in the past, we will probably leave the Earth to go to another destination. Is this correct?
I am Latwii, and I would answer your question by replying that this is correct for certain entities who have not fully polarized, and for others who will fully polarize by the time of harvest but will polarize in such a fashion that their service-to-self orientation will require their removal from this planet. The remaining entities will initiate their fourth-density experience upon this planet, although it will be substantially altered by that time.
May we answer you further?
S1: Well, I’m curious. I will probably still have my physical body at that time. What will happen to the physical carrier, and will I have a physical carrier during and after the change?
I am Latwii. My brother, we are going to answer your question with reticence, for it is not our intention to violate your free will by revealing to you details about your personal future. We will therefore speak in general, and caution those present against making broad assumptions about their personal future based upon generalized statements.
There is what may be referred to as a fourth-density body which will be for those in fourth density a carriage or physical vehicle, but for those in third density this same carriage or vehicle would be invisible and completely indistinguishable. Those entities who are alive and functioning, you might say, in fourth density will be doing so solely in this type of body. There will be a transition period in which certain entities who currently are in existence in a third-density vehicle will be in the process of a transformation, for they are also at this time simultaneously in possession of a fourth-density vehicle of which they are unaware, and a process will be experienced by which the butterfly will shed its cocoon and leave it behind. It remains to be seen by yourself, however, as to your own personal future.
May we answer you further?
S1: You may not be able to tell me this because of it being a violation of my free will. Am I on the right path to being able to graduate to the fourth density?
I am Latwii. My friend, there is no wrong path for attainment to fourth density or any other density for all paths lead in one direction. The object of your concern, however, might be the sufficient polarization of a chosen polarity and the maintaining of that condition so as to be sufficiently polarized to attain harvest on the particular occasion as opposed to several harvests down the road.
May we answer you further?
S1: Will I be harvested at the next harvest or do you think it will be further on?
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Jim channeling)
I am Latwii, and apologize for the delay and lack of coordination of the instrument. Our intention was not to keep you in suspense, my brother, until the next episode. As you surmised, my friend, that is a question we may not respond to in any fashion that would imply to you or identify any level of accomplishment that you have attained or failed to attain, for to do so could drastically affect your polarization and efforts thereto.
May we answer you further?
S1: I may have asked you this in the past. Besides meditating more often, is there anything else I can do toward polarizing more positively than I already am so that I can attempt to make harvest?
I am Latwii. My brother, if we may paraphrase one who has previously spoken on your planet, we would suggest that you love all that is of the Creator and love your brothers as yourself. Beyond this there is very little else that can be accomplished that will affect your polarity in the direction in which you currently strive.
May we answer you further?
S1: Well, if I could just make a comment. I hope that I will be able to reach polarization. I may not understand things too well, but I feel that having these lifetimes in the physical carrier is a waste of time in a way because when you’re born you forget all you’ve accomplished in a previous life on a conscious level. Like right now I wish I could finish my third density so that I would not have to go through another lifetime and possible mess everything up. Do you understand my frustration here?
I am Latwii, and we are aware of your question. My brother, we are aware of your feelings and we counsel you in this fashion. There are no mistakes within the will of the Creator. If it is your quest to attain the level of polarity necessary to successfully be harvested as a fourth-density positively-polarized entity, as our brother Hatonn pointed out, your sustained seeking will attain fruition. The efforts and accomplishments of those who are unable to sustain a seeking will result in a confused response to a confused seeking. We would not suggest for those present that either is the case, for only in each entity’s heart is [there] an awareness of their performance and their level of desire, for we would suggest that there are no mistakes within creation, and each will attain at the harvest that end toward which his striving has led him.
May we answer you further?
S1: It takes a moment for all of this to sink in. I’m trying to realize all of what you’ve said. Maybe it’s that I’m very happy with my present situation. I’ve been going through a lot of questioning in my environment right now trying to decide what my future will be in my interactions in my daily life. That was just an observation I made. I feel that my major striving should be to help myself and others in their spiritual pat