(09-15-2009, 02:02 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Congratulations on your epiphany. You are obviously on the right path. The only thing you've said that I would take a slight exception to is the above sentence. It is important to remember that we are granted free will when we step behind the veil and incarnate as humans in this 3D world. As such, the the higher self does not choose what we believe. We do. Here and now.
Hello Dear 3D, and Thank you! Yes, I do agree with your statement on this. My own was speaking to the effect that one's higher self may (or indeed may not) have a vested interest in keeping certain idea / thoughts away from it's incarnate counterpart, because such information although true, simply may not be in the best interest of specific lessons. Of course this is extremely subjective so there may be little to no use in speculating too heavily here.
3D Sunset Wrote:Bearing this in mind, you can look at yourself as a tool possibly helping people wake up. They must choose to do so, but just as Ra stated that the Confederation allowed sightings of their spacecraft shortly after the atomic bombs were used in order to "create a sense of mystery and wonder", so too do you offer those to the people that you reach out to.
This certainly may be true although it is a fine line to walk. In talking with friends, I've seen a range of reactions from indifferent, to humoring (me), to interested, and even to a feeling of close kinmanship. It seems clear to me that in seeing these different reactions, some people are definitely not open, some are open, and some are accepting. To what degree these entities' higher selves are working in conjunction with their 3rd density selves, I can not say. But I would venture that some people simply won't listen to anything outside of their consensus reality, and I suspect some personal guidance on that point.
Another aspect I intended to mention but forgot to initially is a feeling of 'depolarizing' when I would eventually engage someone who finds the material ridiculous or worse. I would then feel compelled (perhaps to my folly) to defend what I believe in to some degree. The end result is no change at all in my friend, and me feeling tired and irritated. Having sufficiently dimmed my light, I would need at least the rest of the day to re-energize. So, part of my retraction back in to my light house has been somewhat for self polarizing preservation. I cannot help but to wonder if 4th density Confederation entities coming off the Orion battle front would not feel the same.
Eddie Wrote:Lavazza, if you haven't already, may I suggest that you go to the podcast page at the Sons of the Law of One web site
Thank you Eddie! Would you believe that I've subscribed to that podcast since last November, have downloaded each to my iTunes (having renamed each in numerical order, "by hand"), have listened to almost each one twice and certain ones up to 7-8 times, and have been in touch with Glen directly to offer feedback? You've met another fan, to be sure, and I'm glad to hear you enjoy it as well. He has aggregated many great sources of wisdom, may I say. And he does a great job with the narration. I wonder if we could bring him to the forum?
(09-15-2009, 06:55 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Ironically I think you just became a better communicator. The intent to convince often expresses itself almost as saying "believe this" and the response almost expresses itself as "I am my own being, I'll be the judge of that". In effect losing the message in a battle of ego's.
It's very zen like, move without moving. Convince without convincing.
I definitely agree. In some sense, the very nature of trying too hard to show someone your truth may be uncomfortably similar to, or at least be a shadow of many western religions' philosophy of missionary work. A flawed approach I would say... the flip side being that it is very hard to not talk about what is incredibly uplifting for you! But, it will be an excellent lesson in being humble in learning to share only when asked.
At least we as a group here can express such thoughts between ourselves.