09-07-2011, 07:15 PM
(09-07-2011, 07:05 PM)hogey11 Wrote: haha I do not doubt the use or need for the forum, I suppose I just wonder what the point of any sort of enlightenment is if it does not affect the outside world? It's like finding a treasure trove of gold but then hiding every bit of it away; if the transformation cannot happen outwardly, what's the point of the transformation inwardly? A life in which my "inside life" only matters does not make sense to me. There is something missing here if we are not thinking as a whole as well as individuals. (unity)
Strictly opinion here: There is no grand "point" at all. There is simply a choice by an individual. Deep thinkers choose this type of entertainment for themselves. Period. Oh, it can be applied to society to "develop", but that is deep thinker narcissism, IMO. We don't "need" any of this stuff, it just so happens that we created it.
Hogey, you, IMO, have a highly focused attention on society at large. I believe you have something in you that can truly contribute to society. .... It is just my opinion that the third world farm boy that can't read and has no idea about abstract theories isn't any "less" enlightened than anybody else. Why, because we all just live and then die. It is not my goal to change the world... I can't even "change" my wife or kids. You know what I mean?
I support you in your daily efforts to effect the whole of society, but I don't see how believing in miracles actually helps.