(08-31-2011, 01:24 PM)Icaro Wrote: Are you willing to admit that your need for clear, explicit, and undeniable proof as you interpret it, maybe, just MAY be why you see thematerial as clear, explicit, and undeniable? You clearly embody these traits, and you will not see through this bias. You feel you're unbiasedbecause the opposite of bias is infallible logic. You interpret the material as infallible logic.
i dont have such a need. a lot of things in that material are unprovable with the current information of the society we are living in.
clarity is important, yes. the need for clarity, is not a 'bias'. it is the fundamental cornerstone of what blue ray embodies, which then becomes a requirement for progressing in post early 6th density with 'a measure of honesty'.
as for infallibility or un-deniability and interpretation - i dont have any problems with these, as long as it doesnt employ double standards, or hypocritical.
there are things you can interpret, there are things you can not interpret. 'Law of One' may be a grand interpretation at any given point in entity's development, and yet things that pertain to events that happened in the past or mechanisms that govern the existence in this locale are not things you can 'interpret'.
it doesnt matter how much you interpret or metaphorize gravity. it exists. it will exist wherever you go, because it is something tied to the very concept of finity and concept of 'existing'. anything that exists as a discrete entity will have spiritual mass and attract other existing entities, period.
there is nothing interpretable about orion entry into this planet. circa 1600 AD, they entered in a vehicle. you may accept, or reject this totally, but you cant reinterpret it to be something that is totally different.
this is the main problem i have with this kind of approach - people do not 'reinterpret' or 'rewrite' or 'metaphorize' any of these, but, suddenly they feel a need when something touches their personal lives directly. this ranges from positive, negative, their implications in regard to our social life and related choices in tandem with economic system to what food you eat.
it is all good when harvest is some ambiguous, undefinable, easygoing event without any major disturbances to a person's life, with a good timespan into the future in which exact happening date or format is not known. daily life can go on without worrying much, 'all is one' and 'all will be ok' and so on and everyone's sitting pretty.
but its not as good when it is actually imminent, with discomforts.
Quote:I am not stupid and I know you don't think I am. And I've told you I'm not afraid of death. I have had death experiences. And I've told you I admittedly, in retrospect, must have had unconsious bias before and used to interpret the material as you interpret it.
being not afraid of death, and death being imminent, are two different things. regardless of how comfortable is an entity with death, the prospect of sudden unexpected death is still a very big change that psyche needs to adopt to.
Quote:I'm making a philosophically sound observation that the analytical mind fails when there is a need for intuitive perception. Ra states that themselves. The purpose of intuition is to inform intelligence. You seem to totally approach the material from the standpoint of logic only. That's not how our experience works. I don't think you're able to understand how others can interpret the material differently because that's your analytical bias working. Or maybe my bias is at fault here, and I'm wrong? I just wish you would acknowledge that you don't know the answer.
i approach DIRECT questions with specific wording asking for specific answers which in turn get replied with DIRECT answers with specific wording, AS they are.
i dont 'interpret' them.
don asks whether harvest was going to happen in 2011, or be spread out. the answer is, 2011. NOT spread out. there is nothing to interpret in this, other than how long within that year harvest may take. ra, like you and me, are not stupid and incompetent to the point of not being able to say harvest would take from date x, to date y over a period of time, if it was, after a SPECIFIC question asked to query precisely that.
attempting to interpret this to be a whopass 900 years period, is similar to below :
a friend comes over to your house and you asks whether he would have soda or tea. he answers, 'tea'. but you 'interpret' this to be soda and give him soda.
it is not a philosophical question querying his feelings or beliefs regarding possibility of existence of god. it is a simple, basic question.
Quote:Again..I've held the same argument you present and clearly saw the logic as you saw it. But now I don't. I'm either delusional, or balancing things with intuitive perception. You would think Ra would subtly embody this concept for the entire working.
excuse me, but there is nothing interpretable or logic/intuition related in the q/a you talk about - specific answer to a specific question.
i dont think you are giving your friend soda when he replies tea, by conveniently reinterpreting when he meant tea, he actually wanted to drink soda. therefore, you shouldnt do the above either.
there is nothing related to logic/intuition here. it is simple linguistics and grammar. and it can only be argued otherwise when you give soda to your friend who asked for tea, telling him that you 'interpreted' it to mean soda, and your friend actually confirms it to be true.
Quote:Whatever mix or vibration you have to offer will suffice, and it will be easy and effortless to find others who are seeking the exact vibration. For example, in 3D say somebody starts their own business. Then they have to expend a tremendous amount of time, money, and effort in order to connect with others who are seeking their products and services. I imagine in 4D very little barrier will exist in this respect.
Which also points to another "pink elephant" in the room and that is any idea of a government that lives off of the energy of "transactions" between entities, and controls who gets to serve who, and what kind of service may be offered.
the biggest elephant in that room would be the concept of 'transaction' through a 'business' in between entities which dwelt in a dimension of free giving.
Quote:To be blunt, I feel much more compassion for somebody in your position than the plight of the twenty-something pop culture junkie who was just "having fun" and never paid any attention to those "heavy" things of life.
except that that entity could have been much more refined and post-catalyst to the point that no vibrations or thought forms of orange or yellow negative being able to stick with his manifestation.
(08-31-2011, 01:45 PM)Icaro Wrote: Exactly. There are two types of people: those that lean towards the analytical, and those that lean towards the intuitive. Ra MUST communicate the philosophy in such a way, that from any biased perspective, a person will allow themselves to be persuaded according to their bias. That is how they preserve free will.
please be reasonable.
there is nothing 'intuitive' about giving soda to someone who asked for tea.
(08-31-2011, 02:10 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(08-31-2011, 01:34 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: A spider bite was a fifth density negative entity.
Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you, but according to Ra it was an actual spider that was led to attack by the fifth-density entity.
my my this is a good example - now with the analytical/intuitive nonsense, it is alright if someone interprets a spider bite to be something else than, well, a spider bite.
this is what im talking about.