08-26-2011, 10:11 PM
Zen are you being dismissive of "free energy"? Because the way I use it is the idea of tapping into a variety of huge energy sources. Like The Zero point field, or the massive amount of electricity in the air all around us. But mostly I am referring to tapping into the Zero point field which is an actuality not something to be scoffed at. It has been caculated that the energy in the space between two people 5 feet apart(I think it was 5 feet it might have been 3 but 5 feels more correct) is enough to boil the worlds oceans. So just think about how much energy there is in the whole universe. And if the universe does go on infinitely then there is an infinit amount of energy possible to tap into. And if one could make a receiver capable of tapping into it and then distribute that to everyone for free then it would be free energy(or in the way that the term is used if you could create a passive receiver that was capable of taking in the Zero Point Energy without using energy to draw it in then it would be free energy. So i just wrote all of that to better explain what I mean by "free energy" and because I got the energy from zenmaster's post that reminds me of skepticism,sarcasm, and disbelief. Also in several channelings the entity's being channeled imply that drawing energy from the zero point field is possible with current technology. Also just because something(current scientific thought) is thought to be true doesn't mean it is actually correct. I mean we are a child race we haven't even been here(our current technological level) 300 years and yet we have the arrogance to say that we know what the laws of physics are and that perpetual motion is impossible or that nothing can go beyond the speed of light. Well what if we just haven't done it yet. That is like saying the person you just met at the grocery store didn't exist until you met them. Just because there existence wasn't know before hand doesn't mean they didn't exist. That is all for now.
Adonai Vasu Borragus
And what is wrong with conspiracy theory? Sometimes it is correct like 9/11 manufactured so we could go to war. Or the oil companies suppress technology that takes profit away from them. Those are proven facts(so I guess they aren't theory) and the devil(it is funny because in his pictures he looks really malevolent
) J.P Morgan taking away funding from Tesla and keeping other investors from investing in his wireless transmission of electricity because he wanted to make profit and tesla wanted everyone to gain for free. There are a lot of "concpiracy theories" that actually make a lot of sense and in some cases have a lot of evidence to back them. Like the whole idea of the illuminati. I don't know if there is a group of people descended from atlantis who are running things but I do know that there exist the bilderberg group and that they are very suspicious and I don't get a good vibe from them. And that the very existence of The bilderberg group points towards the theory of the illuminati. And now completely of topic who watches Doctor who and who else is super stoked for the new episode Let's Kill Hitler? And who else absolutely loves the eleventh doctor.
Adonai Vasu Borragus
And what is wrong with conspiracy theory? Sometimes it is correct like 9/11 manufactured so we could go to war. Or the oil companies suppress technology that takes profit away from them. Those are proven facts(so I guess they aren't theory) and the devil(it is funny because in his pictures he looks really malevolent