I think the Zodiacal energy is something on a region of space. But humans tried to look at the stars behind that space and invented constellations that would remind them of the astrological energy behind that region of space. For example, the Taurus (Bull) symbolizing persistence and strength. That's why people were praying and sacrificing Bulls, Rams and teaching Fish symbolism. But in reality, that is not necessary. The original archetype is there; Aquarius is a bearer of knowledge and the duality between group-mentality and individualism, it is also the duality between social alienation and humanitarism and futurism.
You can see all these things growing nowadays. Internet, human rights, science, individualism, groups, globalism, a totally different energy from the Piscean age. Who cares about religion nowadays? That is the old Piscean way. But nowadays who doesn't have an email, computer or social network account? That is the new Aquarius way.
I believe that when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2020 we will see completely different world views, just like it happened in the end of 18th century (with all those scientific, social, industrial and urban revolutions). The same has just happened as Uranus transited Aquarius in the nineties and early millenium, with the beginning of mobile phones and the internet; the same will repeat by 2090, with astonishing new inventions.
You can see all these things growing nowadays. Internet, human rights, science, individualism, groups, globalism, a totally different energy from the Piscean age. Who cares about religion nowadays? That is the old Piscean way. But nowadays who doesn't have an email, computer or social network account? That is the new Aquarius way.
I believe that when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2020 we will see completely different world views, just like it happened in the end of 18th century (with all those scientific, social, industrial and urban revolutions). The same has just happened as Uranus transited Aquarius in the nineties and early millenium, with the beginning of mobile phones and the internet; the same will repeat by 2090, with astonishing new inventions.