08-21-2011, 02:58 PM
I remember supposing, without ANY research, that the Hindus' great respect for the cow is a leftover from the Taurean age and Spanish bullfighting is a remnant of the ending of the Taurean. Moses was pissed at his followers for worshiping a calf because they were trying to hold onto the old Taurean way.
Aries came and, at the end, shepherds were a big part of the Baby Jesus story. When Jesus grew up and started his program, he told his followers he would make them "fishers of men," ushering in the Piscean age.
Now we are witnessing the end of the Piscean, much to the unhappiness of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, and the start of the Aquarian.
Do I really believe this? Eh <shrug>. It doesn't matter whether I do, so I don't give it much thought.
Aries came and, at the end, shepherds were a big part of the Baby Jesus story. When Jesus grew up and started his program, he told his followers he would make them "fishers of men," ushering in the Piscean age.
Now we are witnessing the end of the Piscean, much to the unhappiness of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, and the start of the Aquarian.
Do I really believe this? Eh <shrug>. It doesn't matter whether I do, so I don't give it much thought.