08-18-2011, 02:41 PM
I used to do that back in university days. I figured the more convoluted I made it the less others would challenge me. I was right, but only because it sent a clear message that I wasn't worth the time or effort if I was going to try to pull that stuff... Just my opinion. I've come to appreciate lucidity far more than convoluted intellectualism.
And I'm with ya, monkey... Intuition and instinct should be enough. But then again, you know I'm not on board with any sort of massive catastrophe or cleansing scenario... I feel the only thing that will be so jarring will be watching all the things that we've trusted in for so long come crashing to the ground. The doomsday scenario is purely if we choose not to rebuild it.
And I'm with ya, monkey... Intuition and instinct should be enough. But then again, you know I'm not on board with any sort of massive catastrophe or cleansing scenario... I feel the only thing that will be so jarring will be watching all the things that we've trusted in for so long come crashing to the ground. The doomsday scenario is purely if we choose not to rebuild it.