08-10-2011, 11:14 AM
This is my sort of thread! While I happen to be a very peaceful and spiritual person my musical roots and preferences lie in the realm of extreme metal; black metal, death metal, doom metal, such bands as Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, diSEMBOWELMENT, Weakling, Corrupted, Inquisition, (V.E.G.A.), Immolation, Gorguts, Grand Belial's Key, Mgla, Monolithe, Taake, Windir, etc. Even these days I still jam them and the amusing little thought crosses my mind that most would perceive this music as "evil" or dark and yet here I am, a child of the Law of One, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I think nothing of it because all ways are valid ways of knowing the Creator through the Creation.
The music itself touches upon emotions and evokes atmospheres like no other. Many consider it unintelligible noise but truly the composition takes a fair bit of talent and the propensity to channel your emotions through the sounds you create. I also wholeheartledly agree with the anonymous metalhead's post above.
The music itself touches upon emotions and evokes atmospheres like no other. Many consider it unintelligible noise but truly the composition takes a fair bit of talent and the propensity to channel your emotions through the sounds you create. I also wholeheartledly agree with the anonymous metalhead's post above.