08-09-2011, 09:19 AM
Quote:teleportation doesnt start until 5d.
I'm having some doubts about that. Access to intelligent infinity allows that in so called astral planes but there is possibility of technology in 4d as well.
Quote:plants can also move - the sirians who came here were even late 3d, leave aside 4d.
the 'leave aside 4d' is what I'm talking about. I think I said plants can also move as well,
Quote:however, this does not at all have parallels with what you were saying - even if 4d can travel to another planet, it cannot incarnate in that planet without dying.
I am not talking about incarnation, I am talking about possibilities of joining another social memory complex etc.
Quote:is it because Ra is not there currently (in this case) ? Where is Ra?
Quote:in this planet's 5d time/space. (astral).
This is interesting because it leaves still open the question as to why there are not 6d entities in Venus even though it can support this type of work? Is it because Ra vacated the planet for now? Is it because Ra is the only 6d complex that would occupy that plane? Or is this plane available for the current 5d in the planet when they go to 6d?
What would happen to the planet once Ra goes 7d?