08-21-2009, 10:58 AM
Good Greetings IndigoMama:
I am an Indigo and a IndigoMama myself... lol... As an aside--- just because someone is 18 years of age does not make them an adult. Adolescence continues on until the age of 25 for most Indigos. Their bodies will continue to grow and develop--- as will all internal systems. To see someone as an adult at the age of 18 is not necessarily so for the individual. Some Indigos will require longer parental support than others...Some are so super sensitive that they choose parents who have a strong protective parenting style to insure their survival.
I am not surprised your daughter does not want to leave the house. I rarely leave mine these days except to go out into the backyard (which we all find to be loud and shocking as we live not far from an expressway) or to go to the beach (at sunset when everyone is going home) or to the store near closing or opening time. I find the way I cope with the traveling to and fro and all of the stresses of the fading 3D reality (fighting for its life to the very last straw) is I focus on the Light.
I am the Light. Then I bless everyone with the Light by saying I bless their hearts. And I use intention. I say something like, " I am intending that my experiences outside my home will be harmonious and full of light." This helps me and perhaps it will help you and your daughter too
Anxiety is a common symptom if shifting as is not wanting to interact with the denser reality of 3D--- with all of its negativity and toxicity. As is feeling as if your body is not part of you--- which from the perspective of the Soul is very accurate. The body is a tool in which to interface with the more solid realities of 3D, 4D and 5D. As we shift and progress in Ascension we take on more light and hold more light. In doing so our bodies shift to a more cystalline structure and become lighter in form. What you are describing sounds like classic ascension symptoms. As we gain more light awareness of other realities, timelines, and dimesions increase to the point where many of us (myself included) regularly interact with non-physical beings (that 3D humans are not aware of) but co-exist with us. Some of these beings are called Angels, fairies, Devas, Ascended Masters, Guides, Guardians--- etc. Ra has an excellent hail to weed out the undesirable sts entities: I hail you in the name of the One True Infinite Creator. (wait about 20 seconds) then say: I bathe you in light and Love.
As to closing doorways--- so your daughter has access to portals within herself--- and she allowed you to close them? And now you feel as if the door need to be opened--- you do not remember the key? I am only asking questions that pop into my awareness. I believe there are threads here on this forum discussing this. I am sure if you look with an open heart you will find that what you seek.
A spiritual clearing may be in order. I wrote about this on another thread--- I will see it I can find it and I will pm you.
The Human Angel (which all Indigos and Indigo transitioning into Crystal and Crystal are) is a soul whose bubble of biology is being shifted from carbon based system to a crystalline based system in order to hold more light. This is what ascension is intergrally about... holding more light within.. and sharing that light with Love in service to others.
In my experience, this shift is supported by eating as much raw food that is as organic as you are able to afford or procure. Eating 50% regionally grown foods is also helpful. The key is to choose foods that have as much living energy (ie sunlight) stored in them. This means green leafy vegetables, root vegetables such as burdock root, or daikon radish. Other vegetables--- but try to avoid the nightshade families (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant. I do have to admit that Tomatoes are my favorite fruit.. a nightshade plant family member... but I no longer eat very much of it often as I find I feel very lethargic when I do. I now use it as a condiment like in salsa or ketchup (organic of course but not raw) Tree/bush/vine ripened fruits. In the NE of USA this means Apples, Quince, rose hips, plums, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries-- these are the more common fruits-- Organic Nuts--- I really crave pine nuts and almonds. Natural/Organically regionally produced whole and raw grains (eat them sprouted) in the NE of USA that is oats, buckwheat but I find that I also crave quineoa and rice and corn... So it just depends. I usually try to eat what is in season or stores well through the winter such as apples and winter squash and burdock root... as well as other foods that I buy... I have a very limited budget at this time so I do the best I can with what I have. This means using what is available and affordable for me--- but I follow the rules of the least amount of ingredients the better it is--- So wheat flour---I choose just that: wheat flour and so the list goes on.
We eat a lot of yogurt and eggs for protein as well as dry beans that I soak for a couple of days in water that I change daily. I generally cook our beans as the kids will not eat them raw. But they are sprouted when I cook them. The same for our grains. I try to sprout them before using (not always as I do have 3 kids and a life LOL) and then cook them. I still buy flour (but I make sure it is 100% wheat flour-- non GMO from a small regional producer and miller) as the whole family loves a little biscuit bread (it is cooked) for breakfast along with fruit and nuts and yogurt. We eat very very little yeast as it contributes to depression like symptoms and increases anxiety and lethargy in all of us. This has been a hard habit for my husband to kick the yeasty bread habit. He feels better when he does not eat yeasty bread--- but loves to eat it so much he will eat a whole loaf in one sitting--- same with the kids and then everyone is irritable, cranky, depressed and anxious afterwards!
We are what we eat and Food is Medicine. Sometimes, the symptoms of anxiety and depression suggest that there is a vitamin deficiency... generally lacking in vitamin b's and C and some minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These nutriments can be found in sea weeds and other foods... I am most familiar with seaweeds because that is what we eat... there are other regional super foods as well. It just depends on where you hail from and what you have growing in your region that you live in.
The only way to tell what will assist you the most to eat is to use a method of kineseology and/or to keep a food diary to see if the particular food will support your body as it is shifting. As you gain more light what foods were good for you will change as well.
I use the feeling method when I am choosing foods for my family and I. I hold the food item in my hands and if I feel a pleasant sort of YES! feeling in my Heart and Solar Plexus--- I use that food. If I do not get this feeling I do not use this food.
Also by eating the food and then observing how you feel emotionally and physically after eating by keeping a food diary can also assist you in determining what foods best nourish your soul and body. Some people use a penduleum to dowse the food--- others use the kinesology muscle testing--- I am sure there are other ways... once again I am only sharing that which I do know from my experience as an Indigo and as an Indigo transitioning to crystal parent of transitioning indigo and crystal children. It is a wild ride. I like to call it cultivating my wild Heart and the Hearts of others for in the wild Heart resides the Love that is the Soul.
click here for some articles concerning ascension symptoms: http://www.emergingearthangels.com/ and here http://www.evo-lution.net/blog/posts/ind...awakening/
I am an Indigo and a IndigoMama myself... lol... As an aside--- just because someone is 18 years of age does not make them an adult. Adolescence continues on until the age of 25 for most Indigos. Their bodies will continue to grow and develop--- as will all internal systems. To see someone as an adult at the age of 18 is not necessarily so for the individual. Some Indigos will require longer parental support than others...Some are so super sensitive that they choose parents who have a strong protective parenting style to insure their survival.
I am not surprised your daughter does not want to leave the house. I rarely leave mine these days except to go out into the backyard (which we all find to be loud and shocking as we live not far from an expressway) or to go to the beach (at sunset when everyone is going home) or to the store near closing or opening time. I find the way I cope with the traveling to and fro and all of the stresses of the fading 3D reality (fighting for its life to the very last straw) is I focus on the Light.
I am the Light. Then I bless everyone with the Light by saying I bless their hearts. And I use intention. I say something like, " I am intending that my experiences outside my home will be harmonious and full of light." This helps me and perhaps it will help you and your daughter too
Anxiety is a common symptom if shifting as is not wanting to interact with the denser reality of 3D--- with all of its negativity and toxicity. As is feeling as if your body is not part of you--- which from the perspective of the Soul is very accurate. The body is a tool in which to interface with the more solid realities of 3D, 4D and 5D. As we shift and progress in Ascension we take on more light and hold more light. In doing so our bodies shift to a more cystalline structure and become lighter in form. What you are describing sounds like classic ascension symptoms. As we gain more light awareness of other realities, timelines, and dimesions increase to the point where many of us (myself included) regularly interact with non-physical beings (that 3D humans are not aware of) but co-exist with us. Some of these beings are called Angels, fairies, Devas, Ascended Masters, Guides, Guardians--- etc. Ra has an excellent hail to weed out the undesirable sts entities: I hail you in the name of the One True Infinite Creator. (wait about 20 seconds) then say: I bathe you in light and Love.
As to closing doorways--- so your daughter has access to portals within herself--- and she allowed you to close them? And now you feel as if the door need to be opened--- you do not remember the key? I am only asking questions that pop into my awareness. I believe there are threads here on this forum discussing this. I am sure if you look with an open heart you will find that what you seek.
A spiritual clearing may be in order. I wrote about this on another thread--- I will see it I can find it and I will pm you.
The Human Angel (which all Indigos and Indigo transitioning into Crystal and Crystal are) is a soul whose bubble of biology is being shifted from carbon based system to a crystalline based system in order to hold more light. This is what ascension is intergrally about... holding more light within.. and sharing that light with Love in service to others.
In my experience, this shift is supported by eating as much raw food that is as organic as you are able to afford or procure. Eating 50% regionally grown foods is also helpful. The key is to choose foods that have as much living energy (ie sunlight) stored in them. This means green leafy vegetables, root vegetables such as burdock root, or daikon radish. Other vegetables--- but try to avoid the nightshade families (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant. I do have to admit that Tomatoes are my favorite fruit.. a nightshade plant family member... but I no longer eat very much of it often as I find I feel very lethargic when I do. I now use it as a condiment like in salsa or ketchup (organic of course but not raw) Tree/bush/vine ripened fruits. In the NE of USA this means Apples, Quince, rose hips, plums, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries-- these are the more common fruits-- Organic Nuts--- I really crave pine nuts and almonds. Natural/Organically regionally produced whole and raw grains (eat them sprouted) in the NE of USA that is oats, buckwheat but I find that I also crave quineoa and rice and corn... So it just depends. I usually try to eat what is in season or stores well through the winter such as apples and winter squash and burdock root... as well as other foods that I buy... I have a very limited budget at this time so I do the best I can with what I have. This means using what is available and affordable for me--- but I follow the rules of the least amount of ingredients the better it is--- So wheat flour---I choose just that: wheat flour and so the list goes on.
We eat a lot of yogurt and eggs for protein as well as dry beans that I soak for a couple of days in water that I change daily. I generally cook our beans as the kids will not eat them raw. But they are sprouted when I cook them. The same for our grains. I try to sprout them before using (not always as I do have 3 kids and a life LOL) and then cook them. I still buy flour (but I make sure it is 100% wheat flour-- non GMO from a small regional producer and miller) as the whole family loves a little biscuit bread (it is cooked) for breakfast along with fruit and nuts and yogurt. We eat very very little yeast as it contributes to depression like symptoms and increases anxiety and lethargy in all of us. This has been a hard habit for my husband to kick the yeasty bread habit. He feels better when he does not eat yeasty bread--- but loves to eat it so much he will eat a whole loaf in one sitting--- same with the kids and then everyone is irritable, cranky, depressed and anxious afterwards!
We are what we eat and Food is Medicine. Sometimes, the symptoms of anxiety and depression suggest that there is a vitamin deficiency... generally lacking in vitamin b's and C and some minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These nutriments can be found in sea weeds and other foods... I am most familiar with seaweeds because that is what we eat... there are other regional super foods as well. It just depends on where you hail from and what you have growing in your region that you live in.
The only way to tell what will assist you the most to eat is to use a method of kineseology and/or to keep a food diary to see if the particular food will support your body as it is shifting. As you gain more light what foods were good for you will change as well.
I use the feeling method when I am choosing foods for my family and I. I hold the food item in my hands and if I feel a pleasant sort of YES! feeling in my Heart and Solar Plexus--- I use that food. If I do not get this feeling I do not use this food.
Also by eating the food and then observing how you feel emotionally and physically after eating by keeping a food diary can also assist you in determining what foods best nourish your soul and body. Some people use a penduleum to dowse the food--- others use the kinesology muscle testing--- I am sure there are other ways... once again I am only sharing that which I do know from my experience as an Indigo and as an Indigo transitioning to crystal parent of transitioning indigo and crystal children. It is a wild ride. I like to call it cultivating my wild Heart and the Hearts of others for in the wild Heart resides the Love that is the Soul.
click here for some articles concerning ascension symptoms: http://www.emergingearthangels.com/ and here http://www.evo-lution.net/blog/posts/ind...awakening/