(08-02-2011, 08:25 AM)zenmaster Wrote:There is a larger scale tho. Yes, there is a repeatable 12 year cycle that the sun follows, but it also follows even larger cycle, the largest being a complete swing around the central star which takes about 25,000 years.... Crazy how Ra just nails it every time eh? (3rd density cycle = 25,000 years - 3 cycles to 3D)(08-02-2011, 04:40 AM)zack231 Wrote:The solar maximum follows a 12-year cycle. The last one was in 2000. It's indeed a 'regular event', as it occurs as part of a cycle. It is true that some scientists predict this one (sometime within next couple of years) will be perhaps 30-50% stronger than 2000, but less than the one in 1958.(08-01-2011, 08:48 AM)zenmaster Wrote: The solar maximum is fairly regular and the sunspot activity has been recorded for a hundreds of years. The power outages are not new. It's not a '4D thing'.Zen you love being blunt don't you... Yes solar maximums have been recorded for hundreds of years the last one was in the late 1800s with it going mostly unnoticed as they were not as dependent on electricity as we are today.. The sun has been asleep for over 100 years now and the next solar maximum will begin in 2012... This will not pass unnoticed like other solar maximums of the pasts 100s of years as our society is now completely dependent on electricity grids, microchips,GPS, Satellites, Batteries which are all disrupted and destroyed by solar flares never in the history of mankind have we been so dependent on electromagnetic devices and to say this is "fairly regular" is quiet an arrogant remark a large solar storm would totally disrupt the satellites, phones, microchips and cities could be without power for months even years with the only way of restoring power is replacing the electric capacitors... Again we are a society totally reliant on electromagnetic devices a large solar storm would destroy all electromagnetic devices... I agree that this happens every 100 or so years but it is only in the last century that man has become totally dependent on electromagnetic devices.. So man has never seen the devastation that could come from a solar storm which I stated in the past would have gone unoticed... Town water supplies, energy grids all run on electricity and are all susceptible to solar storms which are the the same as EMPs (electromagnetic pulse) which are weapons designed to destroy electromagnetic devices.. This is no regular event.. Yes it probably has nothing to do with 4th Density, but this cannot be distinguished as a regular event and brushed off as nothing..
Love and Light
We are One
Zack is talking about a cycle within the middle of these two cycles (seemingly one around 200 years long). Our planet orbits more than just our sun - our sun also orbits something, which corresponds to a different 'maximum cycle 'and who knows where the chain ends. All that being said, we know that we ARE approaching the end of the 25,000 year cycle on the maximum side of the spectrum (hottest point). If things were to continue like they have in the past, we would be hitting the minimum 25,000 years after 2012, probably causing an ice age. This is why we are experiencing "global warming" now; the entire galaxy is approaching the hottest part of its journey. Once 2012 comes and goes, we will be moving away from that intense point and things will moderate back down, according to the 25,000 year cycle. So I don't think you can reduce the argument to only thinking on a single scale or cycle of time. You have to remember that the foreground might always be the same, but the background keeps constantly changing.