08-18-2009, 07:18 PM
(08-18-2009, 05:47 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: According to Ra, third-density positive work is about acceptance and forgiveness rather than control, and our incarnation is carefully planned before birth. If you're finding it difficult to shape your life in the way you want it, it may be that your soul wants it that way for the learning opportunities it is providing you.
Hello um... β
Yes, this makes perfect sense to me! I have thought of this possibility before, and indeed your example of Don's attempts to extract healing info for Carla is apt. Without naming names, I am familiar with other channelers who have expressed frustration to me at the fact that their sources had not given them specific info to overcome their own personal/health problems. Considering the Law of Confusion, this makes sense. It is just difficult to accept, personally, because I get frustrated by how my "efforts" haven't translated into appreciable "results".
This may be exactly the issue, however, so I appreciate you voicing your impression here.