07-31-2011, 11:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2011, 12:08 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
I'm not really sure what triggered it. We had a bunch of errands to run, and I had been typing away on the forum. I was a little miffed when I wrote that post, and my girlfriend was a little miffed that we hadn't left yet. But nothing too major. Hadn't had a huge blowout with anybody, or anything like that.
We got in the car, went to the post office. I mailed my license renewal fee and I thought I saw it was partially open as it slid down into the box. We got back into the car and I was concerned about it coming open in the mail. I remember saying something to the effect of, "I will assign it one angel to make sure it gets where it is supposed to be, and one devil to f*** with anybody that tries to mess with it!" On the one hand, I was just trying to make a cosmic joke, but on the other hand I kind of surprised myself when that comment came out of my mouth.
I started getting the feeling at the bank. We had to make deposits in different accounts, and I was having trouble filling out the form correctly. My girlfriend went up to the teller with the first deposit, and the teller "couldn't find" the account in the system. She had to use the debit card to look up the account, and then it "appeared". THEN the teller asked my girlfriend if she had just come in earlier that day. She said no and the teller concluded it must have been somebody else that looked just like her.
So that was definitely a huge "glitch in the matrix" moment.
I've considered looking at the experience as a "cleansing" rather than an "attack". Maybe both? A test of some sort?
If there was a 5D greeting it could have been me from a future negative timeline attempting to hack back in to this one. Knowing myself, I might try something like that. Especially on my birthday as I tend to do "strange" things like travel back in my mind to the moment of my birth and interact with my newborn self. I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while that I have previously graduated on the negative path, made a switch in early 6D, and then came back to recapitulate some lessons in compassion. But, you know, all part of the "Grand Master Plan". On the other hand, maybe I just made all that up in my head and it is a bunch of baloney. Delusions of grandeur or something.
I can also see how it could have been a reconnection with a positive future me, and the symptoms were just from the clearing out of that thing the shaman put inside me. It never felt quite right to me, and I remember the shaman telling me AFTER I got it that I would have to listen to it when it told me what to do. Mmmmm nope, sorry spirit "friend" but YOU have to listen to ME!
It's hard to say without being able to perceive these things directly. Which is why I usually tend to stay away from angels, spirit guides, and the like. Can't tell who is who. Years ago I was hanging with a new age crowd, including a channeler friend. Everybody was talking to their "guides" and such... yet something just seemed really off to me. Despite listening to their guides and talking to their angels, nobody seemed to be able to get their act together... especially where money and their "significant other" was concerned.
I, myself, got hoodwinked into a relationship with a nutjob woman and my "guides" kept telling me to just love her and forgive her when she treated me like dirt. Not too long after I kicked her to the curb, my channeler friend was told by her "angels" that we were meant to be together, and that our child would be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Finally I broke away from that whole scene, fired my "guides", and life has been on the ups ever since. Well, for the most part, anyway. It kind of gets back to the whole power thing. I mentioned that Q'uo seems to be tossing that word into the mix more often. I mean... let's say that the angels do exist... well if so then I can see how their job would be to protect an infant soul. But one day that soul has to grow up and stand on its own two feet. I am more powerful than them as I am the one with the physical body. So, after a point, calling on angels for protection becomes a hindrance rather than helpful. It all depends on where one is in the process.
I notice angels seem to get a little jealous of physicality sometimes, and that some of them get more than a little "mother hen-ish", you know like a mother that is too identified with her children and refuses to let them go?
Anyway just a bunch of thoughts... I think I will have to file this away in the "Things You Can't Discern For Sure From Behind The Veil" folder.
We got in the car, went to the post office. I mailed my license renewal fee and I thought I saw it was partially open as it slid down into the box. We got back into the car and I was concerned about it coming open in the mail. I remember saying something to the effect of, "I will assign it one angel to make sure it gets where it is supposed to be, and one devil to f*** with anybody that tries to mess with it!" On the one hand, I was just trying to make a cosmic joke, but on the other hand I kind of surprised myself when that comment came out of my mouth.
I started getting the feeling at the bank. We had to make deposits in different accounts, and I was having trouble filling out the form correctly. My girlfriend went up to the teller with the first deposit, and the teller "couldn't find" the account in the system. She had to use the debit card to look up the account, and then it "appeared". THEN the teller asked my girlfriend if she had just come in earlier that day. She said no and the teller concluded it must have been somebody else that looked just like her.
So that was definitely a huge "glitch in the matrix" moment.
I've considered looking at the experience as a "cleansing" rather than an "attack". Maybe both? A test of some sort?
If there was a 5D greeting it could have been me from a future negative timeline attempting to hack back in to this one. Knowing myself, I might try something like that. Especially on my birthday as I tend to do "strange" things like travel back in my mind to the moment of my birth and interact with my newborn self. I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while that I have previously graduated on the negative path, made a switch in early 6D, and then came back to recapitulate some lessons in compassion. But, you know, all part of the "Grand Master Plan". On the other hand, maybe I just made all that up in my head and it is a bunch of baloney. Delusions of grandeur or something.
I can also see how it could have been a reconnection with a positive future me, and the symptoms were just from the clearing out of that thing the shaman put inside me. It never felt quite right to me, and I remember the shaman telling me AFTER I got it that I would have to listen to it when it told me what to do. Mmmmm nope, sorry spirit "friend" but YOU have to listen to ME!
It's hard to say without being able to perceive these things directly. Which is why I usually tend to stay away from angels, spirit guides, and the like. Can't tell who is who. Years ago I was hanging with a new age crowd, including a channeler friend. Everybody was talking to their "guides" and such... yet something just seemed really off to me. Despite listening to their guides and talking to their angels, nobody seemed to be able to get their act together... especially where money and their "significant other" was concerned.
I, myself, got hoodwinked into a relationship with a nutjob woman and my "guides" kept telling me to just love her and forgive her when she treated me like dirt. Not too long after I kicked her to the curb, my channeler friend was told by her "angels" that we were meant to be together, and that our child would be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Finally I broke away from that whole scene, fired my "guides", and life has been on the ups ever since. Well, for the most part, anyway. It kind of gets back to the whole power thing. I mentioned that Q'uo seems to be tossing that word into the mix more often. I mean... let's say that the angels do exist... well if so then I can see how their job would be to protect an infant soul. But one day that soul has to grow up and stand on its own two feet. I am more powerful than them as I am the one with the physical body. So, after a point, calling on angels for protection becomes a hindrance rather than helpful. It all depends on where one is in the process.
I notice angels seem to get a little jealous of physicality sometimes, and that some of them get more than a little "mother hen-ish", you know like a mother that is too identified with her children and refuses to let them go?
Anyway just a bunch of thoughts... I think I will have to file this away in the "Things You Can't Discern For Sure From Behind The Veil" folder.