07-30-2011, 03:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2011, 06:20 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
Yesterday, shortly after my post on the Raw food and oral allergy syndrome which has since been moved to In regards to eating meat (post at 1:12 pm) I experienced what could have been a 5D attack. I am hesitant to say for sure, because the nature of such things are so subjective.
The "attack" started at my crown chakra, and progressed its way down over the next several hours. Each point along the way had its own set of symptoms. It started with a tingling sensation on the top of my head, spreading to my temples and forehead, then a dull throb along my occipital ridge, passing to difficulty breathing and speaking, numbness and tingling in my extremities then increased heart rate and palpitations, finally culminating in nausea, vomiting, and some loose bowel movements.
Concomitant with this, I perceived my mind to be flooded with information from all directions. I was getting overwhelming psychic impressions from every person I came into contact with, I was also flooded with impressions that an automobile accident was imminent and that my life was in danger.
Rather than attempt to engage the purported entity directly, I got myself home and promptly sat in my yard, back and head up against a tree, and with my hands and bare feet touching the earth. Instead of trying to control or direct the seeming confrontation, I put my trust in my body to know how to handle itself, and simply tried to focus on physical sensations. Feeling the tree on my back, and the earth under my feet. Looking at the clouds, listening to the wind and the birds, etc.
I started to feel better, and went back inside. The symptoms immediately returned. So I went outside again and laid down in the grass, alternating between my front side and my back side being in contact with the earth. After a short while longer, I began to heave and vomit.
Just as this moment arrived, I recalled having been given a "protective" spirit called an arcana by a Peruvian shaman during an initiatory ayahuasca ceremony. I had long since cut off ties with the shaman after he lied to me and would not stop begging me for money, even after I had given him a very generous "tip".
During the heaving and vomiting episode, I ordered this spirit out of my body and into the earth. After this occurrence, the symptoms subsided quite a bit, although it still took a while to recover. I felt mostly "back to normal" at 7:42 pm yesterday, July 29, 2011, exactly 34 years after the moment of my birth. The entire time span of the "attack" lasting 6.5 hours.
Please note, at no time during this experience did I invoke any sort of "protective" light or appeal to "light beings" or "spirit guides". Nor did I recite any mantras, prayers, or perform any rituals. I did however, envision my own personal light emerging from within my chakras, and filling my body from within, and found the thoughts "I AM ME" and "I TRUST MYSELF" to have an overall soothing and palliative effect.
After I felt recovered enough to venture back out into public, we went for a late dinner at my favorite Lebanese restaurant. I ordered lamb kebabs, and my girlfriend ordered kibbeh nayyeh, and we shared. This seemed to have a stabilizing effect on my energy. As did tobacco.
I did also notice that a massive coronal hole opened on the sun yesterday. May or may not be related. Also possibly, or possibly not, related, was the passing of my cousin (by marriage) "Don" after a long battle with dementia, and a brief stint in a mental institution, as well as the landing of tropical storm "Don" in south Texas. My girlfriend reports being given suggestions that I would never return to normal, and have to be placed in a mental institution.
Of also possibly relevant interest is that I had a friend who some years back succumbed to, what I perceive to be, a 5D attack. The thrust of the manipulation was his unshakable belief that I was spearheading a conspiracy amongst our friends to have him committed to a mental institution. As far as I am aware, he has never fully recovered, and is now under treatment for schizophrenia. See my post in An appreciation of 'Outlier' Don Elkins for reference.
Other possibly related events include UFO sightings in Texas and Australia, the discovery of a possible UFO on the ocean floor, and the announcement of new technologies capable of remote control via thoughts and invisibility cloaks. Other interesting scientific news from yesterday include some new insights into how modern humans killed off the Neanderthals, and identification of the first trojan asteroid.
Also, a new crop circle appeared yesterday.
Here is a good article on Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments, with some additional resources listed at the end.
The "attack" started at my crown chakra, and progressed its way down over the next several hours. Each point along the way had its own set of symptoms. It started with a tingling sensation on the top of my head, spreading to my temples and forehead, then a dull throb along my occipital ridge, passing to difficulty breathing and speaking, numbness and tingling in my extremities then increased heart rate and palpitations, finally culminating in nausea, vomiting, and some loose bowel movements.
Concomitant with this, I perceived my mind to be flooded with information from all directions. I was getting overwhelming psychic impressions from every person I came into contact with, I was also flooded with impressions that an automobile accident was imminent and that my life was in danger.
Rather than attempt to engage the purported entity directly, I got myself home and promptly sat in my yard, back and head up against a tree, and with my hands and bare feet touching the earth. Instead of trying to control or direct the seeming confrontation, I put my trust in my body to know how to handle itself, and simply tried to focus on physical sensations. Feeling the tree on my back, and the earth under my feet. Looking at the clouds, listening to the wind and the birds, etc.
I started to feel better, and went back inside. The symptoms immediately returned. So I went outside again and laid down in the grass, alternating between my front side and my back side being in contact with the earth. After a short while longer, I began to heave and vomit.
Just as this moment arrived, I recalled having been given a "protective" spirit called an arcana by a Peruvian shaman during an initiatory ayahuasca ceremony. I had long since cut off ties with the shaman after he lied to me and would not stop begging me for money, even after I had given him a very generous "tip".
During the heaving and vomiting episode, I ordered this spirit out of my body and into the earth. After this occurrence, the symptoms subsided quite a bit, although it still took a while to recover. I felt mostly "back to normal" at 7:42 pm yesterday, July 29, 2011, exactly 34 years after the moment of my birth. The entire time span of the "attack" lasting 6.5 hours.
Please note, at no time during this experience did I invoke any sort of "protective" light or appeal to "light beings" or "spirit guides". Nor did I recite any mantras, prayers, or perform any rituals. I did however, envision my own personal light emerging from within my chakras, and filling my body from within, and found the thoughts "I AM ME" and "I TRUST MYSELF" to have an overall soothing and palliative effect.
After I felt recovered enough to venture back out into public, we went for a late dinner at my favorite Lebanese restaurant. I ordered lamb kebabs, and my girlfriend ordered kibbeh nayyeh, and we shared. This seemed to have a stabilizing effect on my energy. As did tobacco.
I did also notice that a massive coronal hole opened on the sun yesterday. May or may not be related. Also possibly, or possibly not, related, was the passing of my cousin (by marriage) "Don" after a long battle with dementia, and a brief stint in a mental institution, as well as the landing of tropical storm "Don" in south Texas. My girlfriend reports being given suggestions that I would never return to normal, and have to be placed in a mental institution.
Of also possibly relevant interest is that I had a friend who some years back succumbed to, what I perceive to be, a 5D attack. The thrust of the manipulation was his unshakable belief that I was spearheading a conspiracy amongst our friends to have him committed to a mental institution. As far as I am aware, he has never fully recovered, and is now under treatment for schizophrenia. See my post in An appreciation of 'Outlier' Don Elkins for reference.
Other possibly related events include UFO sightings in Texas and Australia, the discovery of a possible UFO on the ocean floor, and the announcement of new technologies capable of remote control via thoughts and invisibility cloaks. Other interesting scientific news from yesterday include some new insights into how modern humans killed off the Neanderthals, and identification of the first trojan asteroid.
Also, a new crop circle appeared yesterday.
Here is a good article on Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments, with some additional resources listed at the end.