07-30-2011, 12:00 PM
(07-30-2011, 07:59 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: @DianaThat's like saying that you are the mafia boss and your hired killer wacked someone on your orders . (Just a joke, 3-D Monkey. I like your posts by the way).
What if we didn't kill the animal but still ate it? What if we have a pet lion that we take out to a herd and have it bring home meat for our tribe? Is this an acceptable method?
It should be a compromise for all.
Honestly, I am always trying to strike a balance between letting everyone walk their own path, and saying, okay, change already, our planet is in trouble.
Every being must do what they deem best to do. I personally don't think taking life is evolved at all--any life. But I must eat at this point, and I explained earlier in this thread the basic reasons I choose plant life.
It would be a very good thing for humans to evolve past the greed, fear, corruption, and selfishness that have brought this planet to the brink of destruction. The taking of animal life for food is one step toward healing this place (not just for humans, but for the animal life, the earth--enormous amounts of pesticides are used for the animal crops).
I really hope this statement doesn't offend anyone on this site, but there is a saying that "we all do our best given our circumstances." I disagree, and it's based on my own life, and my own observations. I don't think anyone I've ever known has done his or her best. Basically we humans are lazy. We think, at least unconsciously, that we have all the time ahead to accomplish what we want to do, so today, we'll just think about it. The old story of the mother lifting the car to save a child is a good example. When faced with something like death, we can act immediately and accomplish amazing things.
Harsh words, I know. But I think we are very powerful beings. We can make the changes needed to shift out of this destructive phase, and with a full commitment, it will be easier.