07-27-2011, 06:47 PM
I had one experience which I still remember very acutely in which, during a dream, I felt myself to be taken to a 6D dimension where I was being instructed on how to be a channel (this was back when I first started learning to channel). The experience itself was beyond words and I can scarcely comprehend it with my waking mind, but I remember a point where I felt this huge energy surging up within me, and felt my own energy body "opening up" and apparently I was about to let a really powerful vibration/entity into my body in order to channel them. Then I heard a knock on my door and woke up- outside my body. I sort of "fell" back into myself, but it didn't really feel right. For a few moments everything was very uncomfortable. Oddly enough, no one was home, so I don't know who knocked on the bedroom door.
After that I had several more dreams where I wound up outside my body. I remember one morning waking up, crashing back into myself, and staring at my hands and having no idea what they were there for or what I was supposed to do with them. They felt very heavy and strange. I had to sort of "slide" my way back into human thinking to realize "Oh, those are hands."
It seems like the best way to operate is to gradually, gently sort of crawl back into yourself. Carla mentioned a "spiral" to me once...like, you just sort of curl up and spiral back into yourself. Fortunately I've never had the experience where I was not able to get back into my body when I tried.
I have no idea what the black line things were. The first thing that popped into my head was it seems like that is what a chakra blockage might look like if it could be seen by the human eye. It seems like a big tangle...of thoughts? Emotions? Or maybe it was some sort of being, but I've never had a similar experience. I've seen huge black shadows, but no line balls. :-/
After that I had several more dreams where I wound up outside my body. I remember one morning waking up, crashing back into myself, and staring at my hands and having no idea what they were there for or what I was supposed to do with them. They felt very heavy and strange. I had to sort of "slide" my way back into human thinking to realize "Oh, those are hands."
It seems like the best way to operate is to gradually, gently sort of crawl back into yourself. Carla mentioned a "spiral" to me once...like, you just sort of curl up and spiral back into yourself. Fortunately I've never had the experience where I was not able to get back into my body when I tried.
I have no idea what the black line things were. The first thing that popped into my head was it seems like that is what a chakra blockage might look like if it could be seen by the human eye. It seems like a big tangle...of thoughts? Emotions? Or maybe it was some sort of being, but I've never had a similar experience. I've seen huge black shadows, but no line balls. :-/