07-21-2011, 08:24 PM
Quote:This regression concept is interesting to think about. It does seem that there is more tolerance of others growing, but I also think others are simply just giving up because they recognize culture to be waning while also being too busy with themselves. I see society becoming more novel and appreciative of the individual because of acceptance, and on the flip-side others will simply secede, acknowledging culture of the past as a lost cause. And considering that most are going to repeat third density, what does that say about what is to come? Many like to think that a high degree of cooperation may form under great change, but how soon if most will reject green ray?Usually power = polarization, and that may apply to influence and leadership with regards to 'change'. So the question may be to what extent would those reverting be willing to go along with new ideas. I'd say it depends on what they recognize as valuable. It could still be the case that although not present or centered in green, there may yet be a recognition of the value in the various ideologies that it may allow. Just look at the huge number Christians, for example. Those reverting to orange are not (necessarily) 'stupid' or destructive, so generally speaking, if the change offers a better life then the 'what's in it for me' crowd would probably be supportive. Although it must seem that there would be a great deal of confusion while attempting to adapt to a system of more self-reliance.
Quote:We see this building, and I have always believed the truth movement to be a purposely divisive one (or perhaps it is naturally the result of yellow-ray potentiation, though I don't doubt it is manipulated for emphasis). The truth movement places importance on protecting the individual at all costs and likes to be wary of the notions of community. The idea of world-government conveniently allows progressive ideas to be rejected, and so separation is always invoked under the guise of protecting the individual.I've never seen an evolution of the truth movement beyond the embryonic conspiracy theories. It's still mass-minded, buzzwords and vague notions of little intrinsic value, but high value in the conspiracy and dramatic effect department. And it's still mostly projection at work and says more about those finger-pointers demanding truth and honesty than it does about who they believe are suppressing their 'rights'. Things like 'Zeitgeist' I see as childish and 'What the Bleep' (if that's indicative of an apprehension or a 'movement') also childish. It's almost as if it's canned, predigested memes for people to latch onto. Yet this is what is being drawn from, and promoted, to paint the 'future'. It begs the question of what these people have been doing with all this time with what they were given. As far as 'movements' go, the Integral vision of Ken Wilber, et al is the most balanced, and 'polarized' approach I've seen to date. It does not finger point and more fully recognizes the challenges we face, and asks the right questions.