This looks over 5 years old maybe even more the presenter looks much younger.... So that means this technology has not been allowed out I have not ever seen or heard about this device, though I knew the technology existed I never thought I would actually see it shown on TV.. How sad why dont we all get this instead of a carbon tax... Oh yeah because then all elite wont get our money that we pay them for breathing to much.....Because the big oil companies would become obsolete etc etc... They will never allow us to have free energy they send people out to say we have to save the environment because of man made global warming.... making us hate ourselves and keeping us in fear so that we pay their supposed tax to save the earth from the evil carbon dioxide that we exhale and plants breath... It seriously amazes me that actually by into it.. I love the earth for I am the earth and I want to help everyone and it in everyway... But people need to realise that those pushing global warming do not really care about the environment they care about the money... Al Gore is a part owner of one of the biggest oil companies in the world for gods sake... These people dont care about the environment if the elite of the world really cared about the environment this technology would have been out decades ago...If this technolgy were released it would solve all our problems, there would be no such thing as poverty any more and people would no longer have to pay for free energy.. But we do not live in a world like this.. We live live in a world where soceity believes it has to be guided by "great leaders" who will protect us and look after us and who have power over us., these "great leaders" use this power to manipulate us, keep us in fear, keep technology from us,keep the truth from us, send us to war for profit, divide us and enslave us...
We have alot of wrong people in power and people running the world... it has been like that for all of history but I really do believe their time is coming to an end everyday I see more and more awakening realising that we are being lied to... that we are not as free as some actually believe and that we are all one people and that our real enemy is the people we elect into power..
We will overcome this
We are one
We have alot of wrong people in power and people running the world... it has been like that for all of history but I really do believe their time is coming to an end everyday I see more and more awakening realising that we are being lied to... that we are not as free as some actually believe and that we are all one people and that our real enemy is the people we elect into power..
We will overcome this
We are one