(07-20-2011, 02:23 AM)Azrael Wrote: Since I have never tried it and am only speaking from theory I cannot give you an account of Merkaba in my own words, however there have been some viable descriptions:
It is a light vehicle of which I was speaking.
Also, yes, I believe crystals can be very useful for such a thing, particularly in the way of directing energy through intention.
And both of those are viable, in my opinion. However, teleporting of the physical vehicle which is of the third-dimensional quality is exceedingly difficult because it requires complete awareness of one's entire molecular/cellular structure.
That looks very complicated. And at least for me I would have to keep opening my eyes to read what I am supposed to do next. Lol.
The biggest "problem" you could say I have is that I have not yet done anything that could be considered energy manipulation(as far as I know) and so I guess that I have put it up on this kind of pedestal which isn't very healthy and I am working on bringing it back down but this makes it hard to believe that I could actually get any results and so nothing happens. So like I said I am working on it and thank you for the advice about the meditation it makes so much more sense then what I had read. Also what kind of things would be possible with a crystal? Because people talk about how if you program a crystal you can do "things" with it but what do they mean by program and what things? And would those things be more energy stuff or is it more physical and instantaneous like can you use a crystal to lift a rock or would it be more for things like healing a person energetically? Maybe both? And Ra did say that they gave Atlantis crystals for healing but they used it for energy use which brings me back to what do people mean by "energy"? Anyway sorry for that tangent I am just a curious person.
Adona Vasu Borragus
Also I am going to bed soon and so won't be able to respond very quickly to any posts. So good night and have a great day tomorrow( that was a premptive good night for when I actually go to sleep)
Adonai Vasu Borragus