Hi Ali, thanks for your thoughts.
I get your position, but I don't think this is a valid comparison. In the comparison you have given, OF COURSE you have a choice to either jump in the ditch or not. I do not feel this applies to the situation we are in now, unless you mean some sort of metaphor where "jumping in the ditch" is equivalent to "focusing on negativity" and "not jumping" is to "focus on positivity". I would put it to you that the Orion empire has constructed a situation that is more similar to being born on the side of a steep hill, with a ditch at the bottom. The natural inclination would cause one to slide straight into the ditch, where the Orion empire wants us. Only through a tremendous amount of struggle and Will can we slowly scramble up the hill, towards the Light. I do not even think that anyone on this forum could point to themselves and say that their struggle is over. So, the way you respond is a choice, yes, but the situation that we are in involves a huge amount of coercion and deception, and none of the "rules" are so clear-cut that you can simply compare them to choosing to jump in a ditch or not.
This is another point I have heard many times over the years that I still have trouble agreeing with. Who is this "US" you are talking about? The injustice on the Earth has been perpetrated by the financial elite and members of elite secret societies being guided, often hypnotically, by the Orion energy via their occult rituals, if not direct contact. Since many of these people are born into this elite culture and traumatically abused into obedience in early childhood, I still feel that it is questionable to say that they had CHOICE, but let's leave that and assume they made the choice pre-incarnationally. THESE are the people who control 90%+ of the world's resources while the majority of the world's population live on $1 a day. They have control of the drug market, the oil market, the sex industry, the media, the banks, etc. And they have this plan.
I have never felt myself to have any access to these people, to speak with or communicate with them, to interact with them, even to share love with them. The vast amount of corruption in US government has discouraged me from believing you can change things by "voting people out" or writing strongly worded letters to congressmen. The politicians with any power are all already owned.
What I'm saying is, there is the "US" that is the common people, the $1-a-day people, the living month-to-month people, SOME of whom are aware and concerned about issues such as UFOs, government conspiracies, New Age energies, etc. We can do our best to tell others and share the information and hope to wake people up.
Meanwhile, the controlling elite group, with all the money and material power, have made a very strong choice, many centuries ago, to bring in their New World Order and implement the Orion system. There have been many kinks in the plan, and I'm sure that a major one is that US citizens still have not given up their gun ownership, but you can hardly say that the elite have lost their power and influence. Many sources insist that it is waning, but I am still waiting to observe some major changes. Of course MY CHOICE is freedom for all beings. I just don't feel like I have much say here in 3D, on this planet. I understand that, spiritually, WE are ALL ONE, both US and the power elite. However, I feel completely cut off and disconnected from those other selves, and don't know how to communicate with them to deter them from their path of control and enslavement which they have aimed at us. When you talk about "without our support, it'd die out in a heart beat", what support are you referring to? How do you propose to remove this "support" practically?
It actually makes perfect sense to "blame" a far away galaxy when those are the facts you have discerned through years of research. I do not feel I am blaming them and then cowering in fear. I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture.
Phew, I'm so glad to have found a forum like this where I can have discussions on these topics. I haven't had anyone to talk with about these issues, at this level/depth, in years! Please share your thoughts, even if you totally disagree with what I'm saying, I would love to hear it!
(08-12-2009, 06:46 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: However, if I give you the suggestion to jump into a ditch, and you consequently do it... You're still to blame not me. I only told you to do it... You did it... Get my position?
I get your position, but I don't think this is a valid comparison. In the comparison you have given, OF COURSE you have a choice to either jump in the ditch or not. I do not feel this applies to the situation we are in now, unless you mean some sort of metaphor where "jumping in the ditch" is equivalent to "focusing on negativity" and "not jumping" is to "focus on positivity". I would put it to you that the Orion empire has constructed a situation that is more similar to being born on the side of a steep hill, with a ditch at the bottom. The natural inclination would cause one to slide straight into the ditch, where the Orion empire wants us. Only through a tremendous amount of struggle and Will can we slowly scramble up the hill, towards the Light. I do not even think that anyone on this forum could point to themselves and say that their struggle is over. So, the way you respond is a choice, yes, but the situation that we are in involves a huge amount of coercion and deception, and none of the "rules" are so clear-cut that you can simply compare them to choosing to jump in a ditch or not.
(08-12-2009, 06:46 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It makes no sense to blame a far away galaxy for some injustice on earth when that injustice on earth even if motivated by this remote galaxy is kept going here, by us. Without our support it'd die out in a heart beat. Who is more to blame? Them or us?
This is another point I have heard many times over the years that I still have trouble agreeing with. Who is this "US" you are talking about? The injustice on the Earth has been perpetrated by the financial elite and members of elite secret societies being guided, often hypnotically, by the Orion energy via their occult rituals, if not direct contact. Since many of these people are born into this elite culture and traumatically abused into obedience in early childhood, I still feel that it is questionable to say that they had CHOICE, but let's leave that and assume they made the choice pre-incarnationally. THESE are the people who control 90%+ of the world's resources while the majority of the world's population live on $1 a day. They have control of the drug market, the oil market, the sex industry, the media, the banks, etc. And they have this plan.
I have never felt myself to have any access to these people, to speak with or communicate with them, to interact with them, even to share love with them. The vast amount of corruption in US government has discouraged me from believing you can change things by "voting people out" or writing strongly worded letters to congressmen. The politicians with any power are all already owned.
What I'm saying is, there is the "US" that is the common people, the $1-a-day people, the living month-to-month people, SOME of whom are aware and concerned about issues such as UFOs, government conspiracies, New Age energies, etc. We can do our best to tell others and share the information and hope to wake people up.
Meanwhile, the controlling elite group, with all the money and material power, have made a very strong choice, many centuries ago, to bring in their New World Order and implement the Orion system. There have been many kinks in the plan, and I'm sure that a major one is that US citizens still have not given up their gun ownership, but you can hardly say that the elite have lost their power and influence. Many sources insist that it is waning, but I am still waiting to observe some major changes. Of course MY CHOICE is freedom for all beings. I just don't feel like I have much say here in 3D, on this planet. I understand that, spiritually, WE are ALL ONE, both US and the power elite. However, I feel completely cut off and disconnected from those other selves, and don't know how to communicate with them to deter them from their path of control and enslavement which they have aimed at us. When you talk about "without our support, it'd die out in a heart beat", what support are you referring to? How do you propose to remove this "support" practically?
It actually makes perfect sense to "blame" a far away galaxy when those are the facts you have discerned through years of research. I do not feel I am blaming them and then cowering in fear. I would very much like to feel as though there is something I can do, and I still meditate and share information as much as possible, and take actions that make me feel as though I am WORKING towards the Light. Beyond this, though, I feel totally unsure about my ability to have any effect on the overall global picture.
Phew, I'm so glad to have found a forum like this where I can have discussions on these topics. I haven't had anyone to talk with about these issues, at this level/depth, in years! Please share your thoughts, even if you totally disagree with what I'm saying, I would love to hear it!